What is a negativity fast?
A negativity fast helps you take every negative thought, word, action and emotion and make it obedient to Christ.
You replace – with your whole heart (your decision, your action and your emotion) – negative thoughts words and actions with God’s thoughts words and actions.
You abstain – as far as it depends on you – from negativity in your everyday world, recognizing your only control what goes in and comes out of you, with Holy Spirit’s help.
You fill your thoughts with God’s thoughts for you. You meditate on His promises and His testimony instead of ruminating on your problems.
You chose to give thanks always with your whole heart. You decide to give thanks. You feel gratitude and you show appreciation for what you feel gratitude for.
You remember that Holy Spirit empowers you accomplish every good work prompted by faith. It’s His power that enables transformation in your life.
A negativity fast is done over a set period of time (ie. 46 days over Lent).
It’s best done in a group committed to help each other stay whole heartedly positive.
Even though you’ll be given every chance to choose negativity and even though you may find yourself more negative than ever at the start of negativity fast, change does happen when you stick with it. Synapses get rewired in our mind. Gratitude does its transformative work. Holy Spirit finishes more of the good work He’s started in us. And we feel more like we’re walking in the garden in the cool of the day with our Creator.
Choose to fast from negativity today!
Here are 4 ways that I can help you fast from Negativity
1. Get my free course Tips and Tools to Fast from Negativity
Tips and Tools to Fast from Negativity2. Get $30 off my Negativity Fast Course – Reflections and Devotions to help you fast from negativity
Negativity Fast3. Get $47 off my Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course – Move from being easily regularly frustrated, usually feeling busy, often afraid or easily angered TO having peace at all times and in every situation.
Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course4. Get the best price for ALL the Courses and Resources and the Full Community on LiveLIGHT.ca – Click the image below