[kudanileads_on_click_intent optin_id=optin_14] Click to download 20 Characteristics of Angels [/kudanileads_on_click_intent]
There is a lot of misinformation about angels in our culture today. Some of it is partly true. Other things are completely against scripture.
We need to see what the Scripture says about angels, so here is what I see about angels in the Bible.
Here are 20 Characteristics of Angels I See in Scripture.
1. Angels are intelligent and wise. (2 Samuel 14:20; 19:27; Matthew 24:35)
[Tweet “Angels are intelligent and wise (see 2Sam 14:20) @revtrev”]2. Angels are patient. (2 Samuel 14:20)
[Tweet “Angels are patient (see Nu 11:22-35) @revtrev”]3. They are meek. (Numbers 11:22-35)
[Tweet “Angels are meek (see 2Pe 2:11) @revtrev”]4. They can be joyful. (Mark 8:38)
[Tweet “Angels can be joyful (see Luke 15:1-10) @revtrev”]5. Angels are modest. (Mark 8:38)
[Tweet “Angels are modest. (see 1Co 11:10) @revtrev”]6. They are holy. (Mark 8:38)
[Tweet “Angels are holy. (see Mark 8:30) @revtrev”]7. They are glorious. (Mark 8:38)
[Tweet “Angels are glorious. (see Luke 9:26) @revtrev”]8. Angels are immortal. (2 Thessalonians 1:7-10)
[Tweet “Angels are immortal. (see Luke 20:36) @revtrev”]9. They are mighty and powerful. (Judges 13:6, Revelation 18:1)
[Tweet “Angels are mighty (see 2Thess 1:7-10) @revtrev”]10. Angels are obedient. (Judges 13:6; Matthew 6:10)
[Tweet “Angels are obedient. (see Psalm 103:20) @revtrev”]11. Angels have wills. (Judges 13:6)
[Tweet “Angels have wills. (see Is 14:12-14) @revtrev”]12. Angels can be referred to as male (Revelation 4:8; Daniel 10:5-21) and in one case ?!possibly?! female (Zechariah 5:9).
[Tweet “Angels are mostly seen as male (see Ju 13:6 and Zech 5:5) @revtrev”]13. They have spirit bodies with limbs, eyes, voice, etc (Revelation 4:8; Judges 13:6; Revelation 15:1-6)
[Tweet “Angels have bodies. (see Heb 13:2) @revtrev”]14. Angels don’t seem to need rest. (Numbers 22:35)
[Tweet “Angels don’t seem to need rest (see Rev 4:8) @revtrev”]15. Angels can eat food. (Numbers 22:35; 19:3; Psalm 78:25)
[Tweet “Angels can eat food. (see Gen 18:8) @revtrev”]16. They can be visible or invisible to us. (Revelation 8:13; John 20:12; Hebrews 13:2)
[Tweet “Angels can be visible or invisible. (see Nu 22:35) @revtrev”]17. Angels can operate in our physical realm. (Genesis 28:12, 24)
[Tweet “Angels can operate in our realm. (see Gen 18) @revtrev”]18. They can travel at incomprehensible speed. (Matthew 18:10) But can be delayed – (see Daniel 10:12-13)
[Tweet “Angels can travel very very fast. (see Mt 8:10) @revtrev”]19. Angels can ascend and descend between heaven and earth. (Genesis 28:12; John 1:51)
[Tweet “Angels can travel between heaven and earth. (see Gen 28:12) @revtrev”]20. Angels can speak languages. (1 Corinthians 13:1)
[Tweet “Angels can speak languages. (see 1Cor 13:1) @revtrev”][kudanileads_on_click_intent optin_id=optin_14] Click to download 20 Characteristics of Angels [/kudanileads_on_click_intent]
I’m trying very hard to remove the mystical from the invisible. Angels aren’t the cherubs on clouds that sit and play harps. They are amazing created beings who will encourage us, obey God’s commands and do God’s will on our behalf.
It is possible to see angels and even entertain them without knowing…or without knowing at least at first. When we see what angels are doing, we can know what God wants to do.
I’d love to know you’re thoughts about angels. Start a discussion by leaving your comment.
Number 12 mentions a female angel? I haven’t read anything in the Bible that suggests one or more could be female. Can you please explain how this conclusion was reached?
In biblical texts, angels are typically presented as messengers or servants of God, embodying spiritual rather than physical beings. They often appear in human form to deliver messages or perform tasks assigned by God. The gender of angels, when mentioned, is predominantly male, but the notion of female angels is not explicitly detailed in the same manner.
1. Male Angels in the Bible: Most references to angels in the Bible use masculine pronouns or depict them in a masculine form. For instance, in Daniel 10:5-21, the angel who appears to Daniel is described with masculine characteristics, and masculine pronouns are used. Similarly, in Revelation 4:8, the four living creatures (often interpreted as a type of angelic being) are not directly referred to with gendered language, but the tradition and interpretation often lean towards a masculine understanding.
2. Female Angels: The specific mention of female angels in Revelation 4:8 as stated above seems to be a misunderstanding. This passage describes the four living creatures around God’s throne, without attributing gender to them. There is no direct biblical evidence of angels described explicitly as female. Zechariah 5:9 does mention two women with wings like those of a stork, sent to carry away the basket. However, these figures are not explicitly identified as angels in the same manner as other messengers of God are throughout the Bible.
3. Gender and Angels: It’s important to note that angels are spiritual beings and do not have a physical body like humans do. Therefore, any gender attributed to them when they appear in the Bible is more about how they choose to present themselves to humans rather than an inherent biological characteristic. The depiction of angels with a specific gender could be for the purpose of relatability and comprehension by human beings, who understand and interpret the world through gendered lenses.
4. Cultural Interpretations: Over centuries, cultural interpretations and artistic representations have further shaped our perception of angels, often depicting them as male or female based on traditional or aesthetic preferences rather than theological accuracy.
In summary, while biblical texts primarily present angels in a masculine form, this does not necessarily reflect a literal gender identity as humans understand it. The spiritual nature of angels transcends human concepts of gender, making them unique messengers of God whose primary attribute is their role in executing God’s will rather than any physical characteristics, including gender.
Thank you for sharing this profound article! God bless your ministry work for His cause!
good work…
infact it has helped me….
Thank you
I have been a depression sufferer since my teenage years and am now 54 years of age. I do believe that God has intervened many times during times of suicide thoughts when I wanted to end my life by sending His holy angels. I know that God protects His children in wonderful ways. Thank you for the information. xxxx
How are you my friend?
God is good. So that’s good. Thanks/
I see angels, and it scares me why I do. And I pick up there residue off fighting fallen ones. They are both vicious fighters yet Gentle as , their love for us. They stick out, something unusual about what they are up to. How they look or are doing has a prophetic message they bring to us whom see them.
There is no book on that I can recommend.
Thanks to all for your participation in this life changing topic.
Hebrews 1/14 says angels are spirits in God’s service to serve those who inherit salvation. Versions of bibles are in my opinion the tool the devil is using to confuse believers on this very VERY very important subject. All in bible God used had encounters with angels. But why now days angels activities are relegated to history in many churches ? EVEN Jesus our Lord needed angels intervention to strengthen him in time of distress.
Jesus church is divided in this subject. Some say only God is sovereign to send angels in case his people are in need of help. The other group say believers can directly ask angels to intervene and do certain tasks. Who is right ?
In my opinion , any child of God in Christ in his privilegded quality as heir of God and Join heir with Christ has the right to tell angels what to do and Angel knows well, better than us the constitution of God’s Kingdom. As a saved by Jesus grace child of God your instrhction in line of God’s word to angels are king’s commands. Angels execute them without discuting.
Devil Satan the wicked one doesn’t want Christians to get this understand and then guess what ? HOSEA 4/ 6 applies and sons and daughters of God who are gods die like men of untimely death.
But I have a real issue with people who compiled the bible leaving out the book of Enock . Why ? Because this book speaks deeply on angels assignments. But why these guys did so ? Eish !
Book of Enoch, while contemporary is anachronistic and should not be included in Holy Scripture.
if you love the lord you will be saved. so love and be kind to each other for you will be saved. if some one is not nice to you be kind to them and show them the lord christ you are allwayes loved.
I had a question about #11.
“11. Angels have wills.”
And to support this characteristic we were given Judges 13.6.
I read judges 13.6. and it doesn’t indicate anything about the will of an angel. SInce this is a characteristic I’m researching for personal knowledge, I’m very interested if anyone could clarify this for me.
Let me look into that. It’s been a while since I posted it.
Great website! One question about angels traveling fast. Is that 1 Corinthians 9:1 I didn’t see it. Same as there are only 13 verses in revelation 8. What are the correct verses for angels and there speed?
Thanks for catching the misquote Timothy. The only verse I can find that may hint at their speed is Matthew 18:10. Remember in Daniel, Michael was delayed. Daniel 10:12-13
I hope I don’t rain on anyone’s parade but my opinion (and experiences) with angels is that they’re not necessarily even Christian, nor does anyone have to be Christian to study and/or interact with them. I’ve been studying them for years; one book I would recommend for anyone studying this subject is “Dictionary of the Angels, Including the Fallen Ones” by Gustav Davidson.
I have also noticed a renewed interest in the angels in general, whether in books, movies, tv shows, etc. Of course we’re not going to get all of it right or accurate and some of it is purely fictional. On the other hand, considering how long its been since us humans have acted like we’re not even aware of them, then I think it’s normal that we stumble our way to them, at first. But at least we’re trying.
I love your post
Thank you
What do you know about the Nephilum..in scripture it says the angels came down and took human wives…sorry I can’t recall which book..probably Genesis,,,I Christian friend and I have spoken about these creature part human part angel…
Are decendants of Nephilum potentially aware of things beyond human understanding?
That is only what some people interpret “Sons of God” as from Genesis 6. It’s not necessarily a correct interpretation…but I do use it in fiction stories I write.
I’m working on a fictional book series that involves nephalim living among us in modern times.
Sounds like an exciting read. I’ve had thoughts of doing the same.
It’s really good to know someone who knows so much about angels. May I know of any angel that you have written? I’d love to read them.
This is a fascinating topic for me as well, so much so that it was taking over my blog (to the point that I decided I needed to create a new blog dedicated exclusively to this topic –War in the Heavens).
Angels are very real, but our tendency is to subconsciously relegate them to what we assume to be an unreal, misty “spiritual realm.” In fact, the spiritual realm is more real than the natural realm we live in.
In light of this I’ve come to view angels, both elect and evil, as extradimensionals (similar to how we think of extraterrestrials, but traveling into and out of our 4D space-time rather than travelling between the stars).
The main take away I’ve gained from my own study of angels so far is we need to be careful that in studying them we don’t pay more attention to them than we do the Almighty.
Great site btw – I’m enjoying exploring it. Happy New Year
Michael, You have a great idea with your blog. I’ll need to check it out more sometime soon. I fixed your link. No worries.
In Matthew 22:30, it talks about we will be as the angels in heaven.
I believe that we are created in a higher authority than angels in God’s creations, and see this scription as once we ascend into heaven that we will have the same characteristics of angels.
What are your thoughts on this?
This scription is talking about marriage in heaven and rather or not we will know one another in heaven,
Julie, I’m not really sure…We get to judge the angels…mine are going to get amazing grades 🙂 I’ve had a lot of times when I know I’ve been protected.
I’ve written about everything I’m sure about heaven here. Check it out an leave your comments there.
Lol, I’m sorry; is this a joke?
Do you really want to call yourself satan? If so, you’re fallen and forget everything you once had 🙂
If you want the very best of both worlds, there are lots of educational games for kids. Great post Angels – 20 Characteristics of Angels I See In Scripture | RevTrev.com.
Thanks. I agree. I love doing the research for questions I think of and what others ask me. I don’t have all the answers, but it usually seems I have different ways to think about things. 🙂