Here’s one more Guest post that I never got the information on the author on. My apologies. If it’s you, please let me know and I’ll include the proper links.
Sometimes we sincerely want to pray but we just find out that we don’t know exactly what to pray for. If that sounds like you then i have the solution here for you.
The harvest: Jesus gave us a prayer point here in Matt.9:37-38. The harvest is greatly dependent on our prayers if not Jesus won’t ask us to do it. Our prayers will go along way to gather the harvest of souls into the kingdom.
Pray for your Nation: Praying for your country is a civic responsibility for all of us. The bible instructs us to do it (1Tim. 2:1-2). We ought to pray for all our leaders at all levels. Our prayers will go a long way to influence their decisions and policies.
For open doors of ministry and utterance: Paul prayed for open doors so he could minister to people. As a believer this should also be one of your major prayer points. As doors of opportunity to minister salvation or any other thing opens as you pray, take advantage of it (Col.4:3). Pray it for your pastor also. If you have friends, neighbors or family members who need Christ you can pray this for yourself before talking to them.
Those who maltreat you: This may not be easy sometimes but it’s a biblical injunction. One major reason why we must pray for those who maltreat us is because it’s the devil influencing them. If we deal with the influence of the devil over them they will most probably come to their knowledge of Christ as it relates to love to one another (Matt.5:44). Jesus himself prayed for those for no reason hated him and killed him (Lk.23:34).
People under you: If you have children, staffers, church group members or what so ever, the Holy Bible admonishes us to pray for them (1Tim.1:3; Rom.1:9). One of the best gifts you can give to those under you is prayers.
For yourself: As much as we need to intercede more for others since its more blessed to give and to receive, we should also make out time to pray for our ourselves (Matt.26:41). As things go well with you, you will be strong enough to intercede for the world. Pray for your job, business, boss, parents or children. Pray about anything that is a bother to you.
Your Church and your pastor: Your spiritual wellbeing depend to a certain degree on your church. So as your church and your pastor do well it will definitely rob on you. Paul, the apostle was always asking believers to pray for him (Rom. 15:30; 2Cor.1:11; 1Tim. 2:1; Philemon 1:22). In Col.4:3 Paul gave a prayer point you can consistently pray for you pastor.
Your family: Satan hates the family unit. So much is tied to the family. One of the greatest things we can do for our families is to regularly pray for it.
You now have more than enough prayer themes or points. Take these and turbocharge your prayer life.
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