Hope needs momentum, even if it’s a little. Learn what you can do today to have a little more hope.

David and the six hundred men with him came to the Besor Ravine, where some stayed behind, for two hundred men were too exhausted to cross the ravine. But David and four hundred men continued the pursuit v.9-10
Hope needs momentum and trust
Remember to hope, we need to trust God. Don’t forget we need to trust God with our whole heart.
That means it’s not just an emotion – which should be peace, it means a decision of the mind but it’s action that needs to take place to show our hope is in God.
When David and his men took off, two hundred were too tired to continue and David told them to stay and look after the bags so the rest could pursue faster.
That is the thing that each of us need to understand when our health, finances or relationship is attacked. After we’ve made the decision to obey, it’s not that we need to do a lot. It is that we need to do something.
Hope needs momentum, even if it’s a little.
Hope needs momentum, even if it’s a little.
David ends up instituting a rule that those who stayed behind got the same plunder as those who went ahead to plunder and recover all.
Each of us needs to do what we can.
When you battle for hope and you hear from God and you decide to obey – you might not be on the front line fighting the battle, but you need to commit to do what you can.
What is something you can do to show yourself you're trusting God?
What has he told you to do that you’ve been making excuses to obey?
Obey and do what you can to move that needle just that little bit.
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