Feel gratitude in troubling times…here are 5 things you can do.
It's easy to feel grateful when life is good, says Robert Emmons. But when disaster strikes, gratitude is worth the effort.
Robert Emmons | May 13, 2013 Print A decade's worth of research on gratitude has shown me that when life is going well, gratitude allows us to celebrate and magnify the goodness. But what about when life goes badly? In the midst of the economic maelstrom that has gripped our country, I have often been asked if people can or even should feel grateful under such dire circumstances. (greatergood.berkeley.edu)
We're told to give thanks IN all things (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) and that’s most easily done when we are grateful with our whole heart. Our whole heart is our emotions, our intellect and our actions. We choose to be grateful. We FEEL grateful. We DO SOMETHING with our gratitude – even writing in a journal.
BUT we’re also told that we'll give thanks FOR all things when we're continually filled with Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18–21). Aren't you glad the command in that sentence is to be continually filled with Holy Spirit ? The main thought is the command to “be filled”. Greek present imperative tense is used. It has the connotation of a continuous replenishment, an ongoing state of being filled. An awkward translation could be “be being filled” or “keep on being filled.” It's not just an option for us; it's something God commands us to do!
The word translated as 'filled' here is pleonexia which can mean either 'to fill up', 'overflow' or 'abundance'. In this context I think of overflowing abundance because there's no doubt about what Paul was talking about. He wasn't saying that if we have enough food then we should thank God. No, he meant that if we are constantly being flooded by His grace through Christ Jesus, then we will overflow with positive words, singing and praising God, giving thanks always to God the Father FOR everything and submitting to one another.
Five Greek participles are used, and they require a main verb to complete the thought. So continually being filled results in the five participles that follow.
When we are continually being filled by the Spirit we will be…
Speaking to one another with songs and hymns and Spiritual songs.
Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
Giving thanks always to God the Father for everything.
Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
The command is not to “give thanks always to God the Father FOR everything.” The command is to “Be continuously filled” with Holy Spirit… and then we’ll be…
Speaking to one another with songs and hymns and Spiritual songs.
Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
Giving thanks always to God the Father for everything. And
Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
As the German theologian and Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, “Gratitude changes the pangs of memory into a tranquil joy.” We know that gratitude enhances happiness, but why? Gratitude maximizes happiness in multiple ways, and one reason is that it helps us reframe memories of unpleasant events in a way that decreases their unpleasant emotional impact. This implies that grateful coping entails looking for positive consequences of negative events. For example, grateful coping might involve seeing how a stressful event has shaped who we are today and has prompted us to reevaluate what is really important in life. (greatergood.berkeley.edu)
Times of trouble can make it more difficult for you to find gratitude, but you can still show gratitude despite challenging issues in your life.
If challenging times are affecting your ability to see gratitude, consider these ideas:

1. Be thankful IN everything.
When we have an attitude of gratitude, we can find something to feel grateful for in it. Decide to be thankful IN everything. Remember when we are continually filled by Holy Spirit, He empowers us to give thanks FOR all things. It's not a command but a response to His revelation. Choose to be thanful in everything.
2. FEEL gratitude.
It's not about "fake-it-until-you-make-it". You can't decide to pretend to be grateful. If you say you trust God, but don't feel peace – know you're not trusting God with your whole heart. If you say you're grateful and don't feel gratitude you're practising toxic gratitude and encouraging cognitive dissonance. Stop it! Choose to FEEL grateful.
3. DO something with your gratitude.
You need to put your gratitude into action. You may need to show someone how much you appreciate them. You might want to worship God before your answer comes. What has been scientifically proven to make a difference is writing in a gratitude journal.
4. Consider a Gratitude Journal.
The Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal is designed to help you grow in gratitude and happiness. 70 days of morning and evening reflections will prompt you to feel and act with gratitude. With Holy Spirit's help you'll see Him empower you to accomplish every good work prompted by faith. The Mood Tracker will help you see what's going on with you. The Checkpoint and Milestone will help you see your growth. Use this tool to help live happier and grow in gratitude – you and every one in your every day world will be glad you did.
Look inside and get the Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal http://revtrev.link/gratitude
5. Think about a Gratitude Challenge.
Do you need to grow in gratefulness, appreciation, joy, and thankfulness? Do you need to stop looking at all that you don’t have and start appreciating all the goodness in your life? GREAT news! In just 5 days, you can grow in gratefulness in ways you never thought possible. This 5-day Course and Community will guide you through simple actions you can take every day that will increase both your gratefulness and happiness. So are you in? It's free! Yes, I’m In! Sign up for the free 5-day Gratitude Challenge http://revtrev.link/challenge
Your ability to find gratitude doesn't have to be limited during challenges. Choose to be thankful in all things. Feel grateful and do something with your gratitude. Remember that you're not alone and that everything changes. Soon, you'll find yourself feeling the gratitude that you seem to have lost.
5 Tools to Help Feel Gratitude Even in Troubling Times
Sign up for the free 5-day Gratitude Challenge http://revtrev.link/challenge
Take the Live LIGHT Happier Mini-course http://revtrev.link/happier
Download the free ebook “What Most People Won’t Tell You About Gratitude” in the downloads http://revtrev.link/free
Look inside and get the Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal http://revtrev.link/gratitude
Discover the Live LIGHT Gratitude Reflections book and learn more http://revtrev.link/70reflections
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