As a writer and student of history I often daydream about what it would be like to discover a book lost to antiquity. I’m not talking about the “hidden books of the Bible” that periodically get splashed on trash papers in the checkout lines at grocery stores.
I have the deuterocanonical books. I have the popular books of the first two century of the church. (The Max Lucado’s of the day.) I even have in translation the gnostic writings found in Nag Hammadi. These are ancient, but not inspired.
A lot of the lost books are that way. We call them “lost books” because they’re mentioned in the Bible and we don’t have them. I have a different list than most people as I disagree with what they call “lost”. For example, I don’t consider the Book of Jashar translated by Joseph Smith to be the original. I don’t agree with the explanation of how it arrived in North America or his ability to translate ancient Hebrew.
On the other had, other people mention “The Books of Judah and Israel” and they could be right, but I think our Books of First and Second Kings fit the bill.
This list may not be complete, but it’s a fun list to dream about.
Lost Book |
Reference in the Bible |
1 | The Book of the Wars of Yahweh | Numbers 21:14 |
2 | The Book of Jasher | Joshua 10:12-13 ; 2 Samuel 1:19-27 |
3 | The Annals of the Kings of Judah | 1 Kings 14:29 |
4 | The Annals of the Kings of Israel | 1 Kings 14:19 |
5 | The Annals of Solomon | 1 Kings 11:41 |
6 | Acts of the Kings of Israel | 2 Chronicles 33:18 |
7 | Acts of Samuel the Seer | 1 Chronicles 29:29 |
8 | Acts of Gad the Seer | 1 Chronicles 29:29 |
9 | Acts of Nathan the Prophet | 1 Chronicles 29:29 |
10 | History of Nathan the Prophet | 2 Chronicles 9:29 |
11 | Prophesy of Ahijah the Shilonite | 2 Chronicles 9:29 |
12 | Visions of Iddo the Seer | 2 Chronicles 9:29 |
13 | Acts of Shemaiah the Prophet and Iddo the Seer |
2 Chronicles 12:15 |
14 | Acts of Jehu Son of Hanani | 2 Chronicles 20:34 |
15 | Acts of the Seers | 2 Chronicles 33:19 |
16 | Midrash of Prophet Iddo | 2 Chronicles 13:22 |
17 | Midrash on the Book of Kings | 2 Chronicles 24:27 |
18 | Annals of Uziah | 2 Chronicles 26:22 |
19 | Visions of Isaiah the Prophet | 2 Chronicles 32:32 |
20 | Book of the Annals | Nehemiah 12:23 |
21 | The Letter to Laodecia | Colossians 4:16 |
What would happen if we found the letter to the Laodecians? It would be easy enough to prove it to be Pauline…although I know there would be a debate…especially if it talked about something lost to us like baptism of the dead…or tithing in the church.
There’s more than a few novels in those thoughts. Have fun with them. Here’s some things you can let me know about:
1. Do you know of any other books mentioned in the Bible that seem to be lost to us?
2. Does this make you nervous knowing history has happened we know little or nothing about?
3. If Mulisms see lost books as weakness to us and Mormons write books to place them in history, how should we respond?
Thanks for leaving your comments below.
I just searched this because I too would love to read them as well. And it seems no one talks about them at all. Probably at the Vatican, hidden from us.
I say don’t worry about the Mormons or the Muslims, what we have already is enough! Just believe in the Trinity wholeheartedly, and that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Repent and believe and you shall get to heaven right on time!
I do agree with you, what we have is enough, but I feel like it’s also a matter of, we have books referenced in scripture we use often in the Church that is considered lost. I do agree with you though I believe what we have is what we need.
Agreed…I’m curious about the books because I enjoy history.
Some of the books on your list are similar to first and second Kings.
For example:
Acts of Samuel the Seer = 1st & 2nd Samuel
Visions of Isaiah the prophet = The book of Isaiah
Book of the Annals (of the Kings of Israel & Judah) = is most likely a reference to 1st & 2nd Kings (and/or 1st & 2nd Chronicles, or “Chronicles of the Kings”)
I don’t have time at the moment to go through more, but I think this gives you an idea.
Translated from the Latin by M.R. James (1924):
1 Paul, an apostle not of men nor by man, but by Jesus Christ, unto the brethren that are at Laodicea.
2 Grace be unto you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
3 I give thanks unto Christ in all my prayers, that ye continue in him and persevere in his works, looking for the promise at the day of judgement.
4 Neither do the vain talkings of some overset you, which creep in, that they may turn you away from the truth of the Gospel which is preached by me.
5 And now shall God cause that they that are of me shall continue ministering unto the increase of the truth of the Gospel and accomplishing goodness, and the work of salvation, even eternal life.
5 And now are my bonds seen of all men, which I suffer in Christ, wherein I rejoice and am glad.
7 And unto me this is for everlasting salvation, which also is brought about by your prayers, and the ministry of the Holy Ghost, whether by life or by death.
8 For verily to me life is in Christ, and to die is joy.
9 And unto him (or And also) shall he work his mercy in you that ye may have the same love, and be of one mind.
10 Therefore, dearly beloved, as ye have heard in my presence so hold fast and work in the fear of God, and it shall be unto you for life eternal.
11 For it is God that worketh in you.
12 And do ye without afterthought whatsoever ye do.
13 And for the rest, dearly beloved, rejoice in Christ, and beware of them that are filthy in lucre.
14 Let all your petitions be made openly before God, and be ye steadfast in the mind of Christ.
15 And what things are sound and true and sober and just and to be loved, do ye.
16 And what ye have heard and received, keep fast in your heart.
17 And peace shall be unto you.
18 The saints salute you.
19 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with your spirit.
20 And cause this epistle to be read unto them of Colossae, and the epistle of the Colossians to be read unto you.
Thanks Stephen!
A very short “Letter to the Laodiceans” does indeed exist, though scholars don’t believe it to be genuine (though it seems entirely consistent with Paul’s teachings in his other letters.) It was included in Wycliffe’s Bible and in all German translations, until Luther’s Bible.
Interesting that the Book of Jude alludes to and quotes from the Book of Enoch which isn’t lost but also isn’t canonical. Some say Paul was alluding to “The Life of Adam and Eve” (another “lost” book) in 2 Cor. 11:14 and 12:2.
Stephen. Thanks for letting me know. I never heard of the Laodicean letter being found. I’ll check into it.