Here’s yet another question from another reader with a similar struggle. It’s great to remember 1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” But the question becomes, “How can I practically live that out?” I’d appreciate your comments.
I have an addiction, an addiction to sins of lust. No matter what I’ve done or tried it seems like I can’t break away. I continuously ask God to take this away from me but it never seems to work. No matter if I quote scripture or pray or run I can’t get away.
Please tell me, how do I defeat this?
It sounds to me like you need healing.
One part of the healing process is to realize our value.
Our value is not what we think of ourselves. It’s what someone is willing to pay for you. You may want 5 million for your house, but if the market sees the value at $220,000, well, that’s the value.
So our value isn’t what we think of ourselves, it’s not what others think of us. It’s what the one who purchases us wants to pay for us.
Read Romans 8 realizing the awesome value that Jesus sees in you. There is no condemnation, only help.
Just so you know, another one of my readers is just about to release a book on overcoming sin. Mine is still a ways off.
I’m not saying you need a book, you need the revelation of God. But I want you to know it’s not only possible, it’s God’s will for you. He’ll help you do it. You likely need to be healed of past wounds. I doubt you can believe that God is not disappointed in you or surprised by your actions. His love for you is not less. His desire for you is to overcome.
Check out Cody Bateman’s blog He’s the one writing the book. I’ve been praying for you and will continue to. Please keep in touch.
Greetings Trevor –
I found your website surfing for resources about Hope. I am preparing my second sermon at the request of my pastor and we’re in 1 Peter 3.
I have 897 days victory over sexual addiction and alcohol today. I am very active in Celebrate Recovery and attend secular 12-step fellowships as well. Jesus Christ is my Higher Power! Would love to participate in discussions and I’ve signed up for the Negativity Fast! God Bless you and what you’re doing here….Jesus Christ is my hope through recovery and the Word! Go Under the Mercy! jfm
Thanks John. Let’s keep in touch. I’ve whitelisted you for comments so they don’t need to be moderated by me. Keep adding to the discussion. Much appreciated.
I think that we all have been in a situation like this, but indeed here you receive a pretty good answer, that is not hard to follow and just remember – we are people, we fall and we stand up again!