Here’s another question I finally got around to at least partially answer this week. I’d appreciate your thoughts and input on it.
When I pray I pray several ways. first its usually for an hour each day. I will always worship, I will pray in tongues, and I will pray what God tells me to pray. The last part is what I have a question about. I consider praying in the spirit to be prayer directed by the Holy Spirit. This would include listening prayer, and tongues. The part I have a hard time with is hearing God.
He speaks mostly to me through pictures and sometimes even visions. I have a hard time, however, with pictures in my mind that I don’t know if they are from God or me. I can discern the Holy Spirit from the enemy, that I have had experience with. But between the Holy Spirit and myself it is much harder.
How do you know a picture or vision is from God?
Great question. Because I don’t really know the depth of your understanding I’ll start with some basics.
How do you know how God can speak to you? 3 Ways I know God is speaking
You know how you can “hear” Him. I outline conversational journaling here:
How to Understand and enjoy the gifts God has for you today
There is a lot God shows that He asks for us to ponder for a time, so it can complicate things. I always assume God wants me to seek out an answer in Him, so I know if I ask Him, He’ll tell me what He wants me to know. It’s not an exact science. It’s a relationship…
I know these are questions a lot of people ask, so if you can ask me more specific questions I’ll try to give you more specific answers.
I too receive pictures. Praise be to God. Some are consolations. Just yesterday after my pet bird died and I buried him under my lemon tree and I placed it on his hand spiritually. I had asked for a sign that he was in heaven and received. Not because he needed to prove himself. Or because I lacked faith. I asked him in mercy and because I had faith. At least that’s what I told my lord. 2 days later as I was about to sleep. He showed me a clear picture when I was in a place of… how do I out it… I was not in mind of anything or even thinking about my bird. He transported me… I saw as real as day. My lemon tree and on the dirt many white roses bloomed, like an entire branch. He is so loving and kind and gentle.
Thank you, I’ve recently been searching for facts about this subject for ages and yours is the best I have located so far.
This is something I have been wondering allot recently as well.
God seems to give me more ‘pictures’ as opposed to clear ‘words’ spoken to my spirit.
One way I know pictures are from God- is that they seem to just come- without my mind (imagination) at work its like its being transmitted in a way with no effort on my part. Also the last couple times Im aware he gave me pictures- I would recieve or come accross scripture that would back it up perfectly, without searching for it, I would just come accross it in my daily reading time or devotions. In regards to interpretation, again I have’nt received direct words but just seem to sense in my spirit what Gods wanting me to gain from it. But, like Trevor says always ask God about them and I share pictures with a close friend in the Lord who can encourage me regarding them (and whether I should share them).
Sometimes it may be difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit will translate it to our thinking/ into our thoughts, so what we think are our ‘thoughts’ on the matter- it is actually the Holy Spirit revealing it to us.
Im reminded of that scripture ‘the spirit of God knows the mind of God’. Well we have His Spirit, and if we’re renewing our minds and spending time in His presence our thoughts will become Gods thoughts.
I think the more time we spend with Him, the more we practice hearing from Him, the easier it will become to distinguish His voice. Lets just be encouraged that Hes speaking, and keep on pursuing Him. Also I regualrly ask for His spirit of wisdom and revelation.
God speaks in so many different ways, Hes so creative. Receiving pictures is a ‘gift’ from Him, not everyone seems to have this. The more we think about and practice His presence the more we will see and hear Him in so many different things and ways 🙂
Thanks Zoe,
I enjoy the Proverb:
There are times I see more clearly why God speaks in so many ways. It’s like He’s serious about this relationship He wants with us. I suppose dying to make it possible is a good clue. 🙂
Thanks for the comments.