Posted by Trevor Lund on Monday, 4 December 2017
God has given each of us, on average, anywhere from 6-15 people whom He has strategically and supernaturally placed in our everyday worlds. Your everyday world is that world God wants to transform through the one common denominator they all share—you!
They are your friends, neighbours, co-workers, family, classmates, or anyone God points out to you.
I’ve given you a tool you can download to help you discern your everyday world.
Some of you would have trouble thinking of more than one or two people. Others of you would get 25 to 50. That has nothing to do with spirituality and everything to do with personality.
Take the time to listen to God and discern who He wants you to impact over the next 6 weeks.
Think about the people of peace in your life. (Luke 10:5-9) These are the ones who want to serve you. If you can’t think of any, think about the ones who need to know Jesus.
There is a growing sentiment that says, “I’m only one of eight billion people on this planet. What can I do?”
I hope that’s not you. But I know it can be a little overwhelming.
What I’ve discovered is over the course of someone’s life they’ll impact about a thousand people. That’s conservative but it true for all of us. I’m not saying a thousand people will be at your funeral, but when those a thousand people hear about your funeral they’ll grieve. They’ll miss you. They’ll say, “that’s too bad.”
If that’s true for everyone, then the thousand people I will influence will influence thousand themselves and those thousand will influence a thousand as well.
So it’s not “I’m one of seven billion.”
It’s “I’m one degree away from influencing a million people and two degrees away from influencing a billion people.”
You’re going to do that just by living. Imagine the influence for God when you live LIGHT!
Please don’t be overwhelmed by this. Focus on the people your already interacting with, who already like you and who already help you. Follow the strategies as outlined below.
4 strategies to impact your everyday world
1.Pray for them
Personally pray for people in your everyday world every day. Share your prayers with your Soul Friends so they can pray and agree with you. Pray God’s will for them. Pray the word of God over them. Always pray and never give up.
2. Bless them
Every week you’re encouraged to bless three people – someone inside the church, someone outside the church and someone God highlights for you. You find these people in your everyday world. Love on the people in your everyday world in ways they’ll appreciate. Make time for them and don’t be pushy. Do the good you know you ought to do. Create or strengthen real friendships.
3. Invite them into your rhythms
Every week you’re encouraged to invite three people into your rhythms – someone inside the church, someone outside the church and someone God highlights for you. Again, these people are most likely in your everyday world. After you’ve prayed for them regularly and blessed them in ways they appreciate, look for opportunity to welcome them to something that would be of value to them. The rhythms of our life include Eating, Creating, Celebrating, Recreating, Serving, Worshipping, Working.
4. Make the best use of TIME
I’ll unpack what I mean about TIME in another post. For now know it’s an acronym that stands for:
Messy relationships
Everyday Jesus
You’ll find more about your everyday world inside Live LIGHT Academy. Discover more Today.
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