Can a Christian get breast implants? Am I the only one who gets practical questions like this? It’s always amazes me the questions I get from people who really are looking to do the right thing. It’s actually more fun being a writer and blogger than it often was being a pastor – case in point – check out this email I just got from someone from my site (I’ve taken out the name because her friend may know she’s asking about her)
Hi, I have your book. I am a saved Christian. I have a question.
My girlfriend is a saved Christian since her childhood. Her kids are moms and now she wants to get breast implants. She said she wants cleavage.
I am in shock that a born again Christian would think so worldly. But then again, if I think of a body part I don’t like on me I guess I can understand how I would feel more self confident if that was changed. Still, because its a private sexual area I would think Jesus might feel different about it.
I am asking you: Do you think this is in God’s will?
I think it will boost her self esteem but I believe it will open the door to idol worship of ones flesh, in worth, and of course the attention in the wrong area. Perhaps your wife could answer if this is not something you really can understand as a man.
Thank you…
Dear NameWithheld,
Yes. My wife and I had a good talk about this. I wanted to get her opinion before offering my own. She’s helped me write this.
It really amazes me how God works. Just before I got your email I was searching for something I know is on my computer, but as I searched for it I came across a file called “breast augmentation”. Now, I didn’t know I had a file on my computer about breast augmentation so I decided I had better check it out.
It was a file of PLR articles I got a while ago. PLR articles are articles that you’re allowed to use for content on blogs or articles. Usually they are so poorly written no self-respecting writer would even think about using them for content. I didn’t know that until I got these PLR articles.
Anyway, there was an article that caught my eye called “Thinking About Breast Augmentation” One of the paragraphs with no citations or proof of anything says this:
There are doctors that have found a link with breast augmentation and mental disorders. There is a pattern that a lot of doctors will see. It suggests women who choose breast implantation are slightly more likely to have undergone psychotherapy, have lower self-esteem, and have higher tendencies toward depression, suicide attempts and mental illness than the general population.
So when your email came through, I wasn’t so concerned that your friend was in danger of opening the door to idol worship of her flesh. I’m more concerned that there are wounds to be healed in her life or lies she’s believing about herself and her worth. I know it would be freeing for her if she willing to let God speak truth to her pain, assuming there is some.
Do I think everyone who wants to make changes to their bodies has wounds or believes lies? No.
I had laser eye surgery to get rid of glasses. I told myself it was “to be practical” but now I need to wear sunglasses more so it’s not about practically and more about me looking better in sunglasses than eyeglasses.
What about laser hair reduction? We live in a society where women are not expected to have hair on certain private and public areas of their body. Is there some deep spiritual healing that needs to take place if they want their body hair reduced? Maybe. But possibly it just provides the confidence they need in public.
What about
- colored contacts?
- make up?
- removing gray from our hair?
Do you know high-heel shoes thrust the ladies shoulder’s back to give her the appearance of confidence? My wife has shoes she can only wear for a couple of hours. She still wears them…and looks great in them. Is that wrong?
I totally agree with Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” But does that mean we give up trying to look good? If it does I suggest we rip out books like the Song of Solomon that raves about a women’s beauty.
Now I do think breast augmentation is different than less invasive ways to change our appearance. I went through back surgery and the pain was gone as soon as I woke up. It was an ideal surgery. Everything went perfect…and I’m still determined to avoid any other surgery I can in the future.
Surgery is invasive.
(Assuming everything happening in the world in the right now is not pointing to the end of the age) I’m convinced in my kids lifetime they’ll look at procedures we see as commonplace today as completely barbaric. That’s just me. I do not want to willingly “go under the knife” for anything that doesn’t save my life and allow me to live life afterwards.
I think it makes more sense to “go under the knife” of the Holy Spirit and make sure everything is good between us and our Daddy. It makes more sense to get the revelation that we are children of God and what that position means now and for eternity.
Now I’m assuming your friend is not married because the first thing she would need to do would be to be in agreement with her husband.
If she’s considering breast augmentation to please her husband, there are other issues…both good and bad. My sense is that she’s not in an affirming relationship that allows her to know the value the Father has placed in her.
That’s where my concern lies what I know about her.
Can a Christian get breast implants? Yes. There are all sorts of situations where this makes sense. For example in the case of a mastectomy it shouldn’t be a theological discussion.
Is breast augmentation in God’s will? He really gives us a lot of freedom in this life. It can be against His plan for our lives. It can also be right in line with His plan for our lives. She’s got to hear from Him if her concern is that she may be out of His will.
Your friend trusts you as a friend. Love her as a friend. You don’t have to agree with her decisions, but judging only unwraps strong bonds of friendship.
Thanks for trusting me with your question.
– Trevor
in the case of mastectomy it is something you have to do or you will lose your mind. Of course, not literally, but we are so … vulnerable that if we have to lose some part of us because of some illness .. we can`t be the same again. Breast implants are a good thing, it is just … some people use them improperly.
My wife is scheduled for breast implants in a month. She wants them after having 3 babies. Not for self esteem, not for attention just to make her feel more like a women. She liked the fuller look she had Breast feeding. I’m not gonna lie, I liked them too and would not complain if she had them again. However as a christain and being in ministry I do sense some guilt inside for me, like it maybe wrong or I should be coaching her more out of getting the procedure? However she seems to feel no guilt as Christian women. Thoughts?
I think it’s between her and God and you. Instead of coaching her out of the procedure, help her get a stronger identity of herself in Christ. I have a personalized identity in Christ you can print off for her – Praying for you both.
@sweet. I have been wrestling with this for years. It is so sad that most people just assume that women who want to get breast implants are vain or insecure. It is even more sad that Christian women feel it is necessary to degrade a very private matter by judging women who have the courage to talk about their true feelings openly and honestly. I was not particularly blessed in that area and whenever I start to exercise or live more healthily I start to loose weight in my upper body almost immediately. I look like a man when I’ve lost only 2kg. As I said I have been wrestling with this for years. Praying about whether it is in God’s will for my life. It is easy for a woman with even moderately sized breasts not to understand that there is a desire in the hearts of women who struggle with this. Rather pray for guidance from the Lord for those of us who are confronted with this situation every time we get dressed or every time we look in the mirror. As with all things related to our faith these issues are a personal journey. I seek guidance on these websites as I do not personally know anyone who is struggling with this issue as I am. Someone that is not as firmly rooted in their faith may turn away from the Lord because of your strong opinion and for that you will be held accountable. I am not vain or insecure and I have a deep relationship with God, who has provided for me abundantly in my life. But my body still looks the same regardless of how strong my relationship with God is, my clothes are still too big. And there is nothing I can do to change that naturally. Kindly consider showing a little more grace to people struggling with this.
Great response Marili
I’m so happy that I read the comments, because I have been struggling with the same issue. I don’t know what to do, but when you said you feel like a man. I feel exactly the same. You’re the first I know of to be very similar. Not only in the thought, but also being in ministry and knowing that God is my one and only. I love him and don’t want to feel like I have let him down, because others’ comments make me feel that way. I see that this post is from 2015. I wonder if anything has changed for you?
Thank you. Praying for you.
Being honest & being judgemental are 2 very different things! Its not judgemental to let people know they are perfect the way God made them!
Really,?! Apparently god made some people with bad eyesight and crooked teeth but no one objects to laser eye surgery or braces.
If god see’s what’s in your heart and you have plastic surgery ( nice way of saying you mutilated yourself for more attention), then what’s in your heart is vanity, selfishness, and greed! Girls that get them don’t cover them up there hanging out all over the place looking for rich guys! That’s why they got them in the first place it doesn’t take a genius!
Messing with your private parts is against the bible……. breasts are for breast feeding they have a purpose (why would you mess with mother nature) !chopping off your penis, boobs sex change operations its all the same thing its beyond disturbing! You don’t need breast implants to survive and actually its dangerous on so many levels! Most girls get them for more attention (meaning the normal attention they were getting wasn’t enough) WHY? How much attention does one person need there’s enough to go around it doesn’t cost anything and we never run out of attention! Why do you need more than the rest of us! God has a husband already picked out for you (do you want to end up with the wrong guy), you want a pervert for a husband! If he marries you because you have fake boobs what will stop him from having sex with all girls with fake boobs he will cheat! Guys like that are sleazy you want a nice genuine guy not a perv! Eve ate an apple and look what happened do you really believe in your heart and brain that God will not care that you destroyed what he gave you ripped it apart threw it away like an old shoe! REALLY Its your breast its meant for breast feeding you think God wants you to turn your breasts into coochie central! There’s no words unfortunately its just a matter of time before guys start to get ball implants (expect your hubby to be walking funny in the future)! Would you want to be seen with him you would run for your life he would embarras both of you! Well how do you think he feels (he won’t tell you because it would cause enormous damage to the relationship)! Guys that like fake boobs are creepy stay far far away that’s my advice! Your beautiful the way you are look at the original charlies angels from the 70’s all sweet and petite their boobs weren’t bigger than their head and they were drop dead gorgeous! Look them up also look up Suzanne Somers from”threes company”, in the 70’s she was drop dead gorgeous now after boob implants she looks manish! She was sweet and petite look up her pictures look up farrah fawcett (her famous picture in the red bathing suit), all natural that poster is the top selling poster of all time! Marilyn Monroe was a B cup look at her pictures her boobs aren’t bigger than her head! Look at all the pictures of old hollywood before plastic surgery getting fake boobs! ! This is a money making scam! Fake boobs are ugly to big and sad! Hope this helps
I feel for judgmental people.
If your getting plastic surgery your judging yourself! Stop judging yourself & start loving yourself life is to short! Being honest & being judgemental are 2 very different things! You are perfect the way God made you why mess with perfection nobody builds a body better than God anyone I know who got plastic surgery of any kind are not happier now their the same person as before nothing changed except cosmetically! Why risk a dangerous surgery!
Thank you Sweet for your well thought out advice.
Hello Rev. Trevor,
My issue is not that my wife shouldn’t get her implants. She has been feeling very awful about her appearance. I on the other hand, support her on any subject that she needs. We are done having kids and this a gift to herself, since she breast-fed all our kids. It has to do with the privacy issue. Of course she has done her research and found tons of vlogs and blogs as well. Thus giving her the idea of using YouTube to make her own. In her defense, I understand it’s only to inform everyone who tunes in about her experience. I quickly disagreed to it. I believe it is a private matter between a husband and wife that are under God, To keep this matter as private as one would with body parts. Does it not say in our vows, to keep our bodies to one another? Please help, am I being to stubborn about the issue at hand? Do I have a leg to stand on?
Thank you and God Bless
Jose. It is a matter between you and your wife. It doesn’t need to be discussed in the public forum. You need to talk with your wife about her need to discuss it in the public. It could be therapeutic for her. Try to understand her need. That being said…it is a private matter between you two – you both have a right to veto what the other wants to take to a broader discussion.
Hi Trev!
It is refreshing to be here in your site again and read all the posts I’ve missed 🙂 Just want to say that I agree with this statement:
“I’m more concerned that there are wounds to be healed in her life or lies she’s believing about herself and her worth.”
Media and pop culture always dictate what beauty is and women falls as an easy victim of these standards. Indeed, insecurity is a driving force for most women to undergo any type of procedure just to look “good”. I think we all just need to be reminded that God and our family/friends love us for what we already are- with or without breast implants and such. There’s no need to alter anything, we are perfect in the eyes of God and for the people who love us! :))
Thanks Graczyl
I am lying here in tears; I am a 21 year old female and have struggled with my appearance my whole life. I struggled with depression growing up because I didn’t like how I looked and honestly still don’t to this day; its a struggle. It greatly saddens me to hear and see these days that people, including christians are so accepting towards plastic surgery. God has really been teaching me my whole life that He made me EXACTLY how I am for His purpose. My Father nit me together in mymothers womb and knew before hand how precious and beautiful I was. For anyone, especially christian women to physically change their bodies to me personally is telling God that He messed up. Telling Him He didn’t do this or that right. Specifially breasts, “God you didn’t make my breasts right, so I’m going to change that and help you out.” God doesn’t need help, He doesnt make mistakes; He made you how you are for a great purpose you don’t know, a purpose so extraordinary even though we may feel ordinary. God doesnt make ordinary, He made us all extraordinarily BEAUTIFUL. As for self confidence, don’t go to breast implants for that, even if you think you are “right with God.” Its superficial and does not last. He is the ONLY set confidence in this life. You are beautiful just the way you are, pure beautiful.
As a rule, you are so right.
You are totally correct God has made you an amazing person, just the way you are. Never forget that and keep sharing it with others.
There are some situations where it is appropriate, but inner healing is more important.
Thanks so much for sharing.
I agree with you Jannelle!
How is this any different then a woman or man who opts to have the expensive process of straightening their teeth. It is purely cosmetic and it is very costly. Yet… widely accepted by all Christian communities. We colour our hair to cover gray, we go to tanning beds to change the colour of our skin, we buy big fancy houses that we don’t need or drive expensive cars. Women who struggle with weight don’t seem to have the same judgement upon them for a breast reduction. We all struggle with appearance and inadequacy.. . Does plastic surgery define your heart, your salvation. Your body belongs to you, your spouse, and God. We rely too much on stature in out brother’s eye. Work it out, and whatever you do, do unto Him.
We exercise to keep our body and mind healthy. We eat the right foods because it makes us feel and look better than if we didn’t care what we put in our bodies. We pray to keep our spirit healthy. Just because someone is concerned with the way they look, or if they want to change it, doesn’t mean they are carnal. Cosmetic surgery is not for everyone but can help some individuals achieve a certain look they might otherwise be unable to and as long as it doesn’t change their heart or spirit I would say go for it.
Gave the methods inside a full test run over 6 weeks and with 2 weeks I had
already started to notice a difference. It took just under 4 weeks for me to
gain one cup size taking me from a B cup to a C cup. find more information
Hello! I have to admit, I’m impressed with your site. I had no trouble navigating through all the information. I discovered what I needed in no time at all. Pretty awesome. Would appreciate it when you add forums or something, it would be a great way for your clients as well as some other visitors to have interaction. Well done.
Been there. Done that. Didn’t work. I’ve decided it’s better to have comments than an inactive forum.
If it weren’t dangerous, I’d definitely get a boob job. Lord knows I need it LOL
This is my first time here and I kind of stumbled here by accident. I have zero interest in the topic of breast augmentation. But, I really like your blog. Your response is very thoughtful and I appreciate that you also respond to comments. It shows that you really care and you have a biblical basis for the thoughts that you share. I found this site through a google search and the website that I clicked on prior to this one, was somewhat similar, but the man responding to the users’ questions, (some “doctor” ) basically said things like, ” It looks like you’re dealing with a ver serious issue and you should seek professional help.”
What a PROFOUND OBSERVATION Doctor! Anyway, you’re awesome…thanks for doing what u do revtrev!
Thanks so much Kay. I appreciate hearing from people. I’ve been working hard on another project lately but am so looking forward to posting more regularly on here again. I have a backlog of questions to answers that I’ve so much fun searching scripture for.
Let’s keep in touch.
Thank you for sharing this post. Found your site through a friends blog – highly informative and enjoyable.
Thank you.
My brother recommended I would possibly like this blog. He was totally right. This put up actually made my day. You can not imagine just how a lot time I had spent for this information! Thanks!
Thanks. Keep coming back.
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
if its wrong to have large sexy breasts why did God make so many of them???
@mike – The issue is not what God’s given. Read my concerns with augmenting what He’s given.
Yea I think I agree with what you are saying if you are saying that actions in and of themselves aren’t really what matters but instead its the motivation behind them. However, I do think your motivation can be be wrong even if you think that it isnt.
I knew a girl in college that was very”religious” but thought it was ok to do anything with a guy as long as she didn’t go all the way. So I guess i’m just saying that I am not sure that anyone can justify implants as a means of looking sexy though many will try and truly believe that their motivations are pure.
I know that some things lin life aren’t cut and dry but I think I hold a different opinion on this. I think that there are really two types of implants (1) you are having something fixed that embarrases you (deformality, etc) then there is the (2) “I wan’t to look sexy”implants. I think that the #2 IS cut & dry. If you are trying to draw attention to your private areas in any way, I con’t see how God would approve of that. Cleavage falls under that same area. I know there will be a ton of people who aregue that “it’s ok to want to look attractive” but is that not just an excuse to get what they want? I mean, really, how do you reconcile trying to please a hily God and trying to get people to notice your private areas? Because lets be honest, why would you get them if you didn’t want people to notice the change?
@DW…I’d like to take it a step further – if everything not done in faith is sin and if whatever we do can be for the glory of God – we have a simple (yet difficult) thought to include in any decision…I’ve got a series on RevTrev Radio called “Why the Why Is Important” it will be aired after the ones already scheduled
Thanks for your thoughts.
I’m a single, Christian 30-something & I have breast implants. I was born w/a genetic deformity that, while not severe, made me feel unattractive. Buying clothing was difficult. I was teased by ‘normal’ girlfriends as a teen. Yeah, it bothered me.
I had the money, I had the surgery, & I’m happy with it. Did I expect it to ‘change my life’? No. Has it made me into a show off? Absolutely not. Do I think God cares? Not really. He looks at the heart of a person. I’m not really any different than I was before. I just feel more normal & I can buy clothes off the rack.
Thanks for sharing Shay. Everybody has their own reasons. Yours seem well thought out. Glad it’s worked out for you.
invasive, not evasive … surgery is invasive
Grammatically you are correct…but something tells me subconsciously I knew what I was trying to say 🙂
I know a wonderful Christian lady who had this surgery done; not because of a mastectomy or anything like that, but simply because after having her children she found that she had so little left in that department that any nice, tailored clothes didn’t fit properly. She certainly doesn’t worship the flesh or have more than the usual body or self esteem issues. Christian Women are still allowed to feel good and sexy to their husbands (if married).
Yes Cathy. You’ve got it right. “Everything not done in faith is sin.” That means everything we do can either please God or please ourselves. When we do it to please God it works out for good.
I was raised as a christian baptist in my home, struggled to be a christian as I felt like I always let my parents down but more importantly always let God down. I had a painful childhood. I walked away from my faith and ran away from home. I lived a life full of alcohol, drugs, sex and spun out of control. I had such low self-esteem, due to my sexual abuse and hated myself, especially looking at myself. Almost 10 years ago, I underwent breast augumentation and started to feel beautiful. That didnt last long, as I still hated myself. You can get as much surgery to try to feel and look beautiful but when you are in such pain and your hurting and your heart feels empty and you have no self worth it wont change how you feel. you need to work on your heart issues, start to love and accept yourself then you will see that you wont want or need that breast augumentation. Today, as a new christian, im asking God should I remove them as He made me perfect. I am still waiting for His response. God bless
Thanks for your insight. You add things to think about that I never thought of. It’s great you’re waiting on God. I don’t know if he’ll tell you something specific, but I do know He’ll let you know time and time again you are accepted…and loved…and altogether beautiful.
Hi Carina,
I have the same problem. I am a new Christian, but ten years ago had breast implants. It has recently come about that I could possibly have these dangerous PIP implants. I have been given 2 options… One to get them replaced at a reduced rate or two, to have them taken out which is more expensive.
I would like them taken out as I don’t need them anymore now that I have God in my life, but my husband is not a Christian and wants me to replace them. Do I replace them for him as that’s what I looked like when he met me? It’s difficult as our marriage is important and would God want me to do this for him? I guess I am thinking out loud and I already know I don’t want them, but don’t want to upset hubby…
I hope you have come to a decision that makes you happy and at peace with God.
God bless
I know it’s been almost 10 years since this comment was written but I just wanted to say I’m in a similar boat.
Back when I got my implants I was not a Christian and now I struggle with wondering if I should remove them. But my husband (who’s also a Christian) does not want me to remove them, but is willing to compromise with me getting smaller implants that at least don’t look so obvious, though he would prefer me to just leave them alone. I wonder if it’s sinful to spend the money and if I should just get a removal all the way (not that it makes it free but at least I would be returning to just my natural body parts). I’m still praying on it. For now I’ve done nothing, but it’s so hard to hide them in order to look modest and I feel so self conscious and judged by others.
To others out there, be kind and don’t judge. You don’t know if a woman with implants made that decision back before she was saved. Don’t assume things about people, because some decisions people made in their foolish past are irreversible or difficult to reverse.
Kate, thanks for risking your story with us. This post still gets lots of comments. So everyone, write remember not to let any word come out of your mouth (or through your keyboard) that’s not for the encouragement of others. Kate, I encourage you to listen to what God is saying to you and not to worry about other people’s opinion. I know you’re seeking what to do…that’s awesome! When we ask for wisdom we know God will give it generously. It doesn’t make you less Christian to have breast implants, it won’t make you more Christ-like to have the removed. Is His voice the voice you’re listening to? You are accepted. You are loved. You can print off a personalized Identity in Christ to get solid on that before making a decision.
thank you pastor, for making time for my question I already know god is blessing you, but god bless
Thank YOU for the question.
Thank You so very much for answering this question on a women getting breast implants! I am a 58 Christian woman who accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was 14 yrs old. I got married when I was 19yrs old and got breast implants when I was 24yrs old. Looking back on all of it now I definitely got this breast enlargement because of my husband’s view of me then. Now please understand, I’m not trying to blame him for my final decision to go ahead with the surgery. But he definitely had a hugh influence on my self worth and image. Let’s just say he was extremely critical of how I looked. I know now that my esteem had gotten so low after 5 yrs of being told I wasn’t beautiful, I was dumb, I wasn’t ever going to be like” That girl” or any girl he lusted after. He told me the first week we was married” don’t ever get fat, have kids, not work and not dress and cover up with makeup because I will trade You in for a new beautiful woman! I should have got an annulment right then!!!! But I love my Lord and knew I loved needed to do whatever I had to to make my husband feel differently about me. I WAS WRONG! I prayed and asked the Lord questions of what to do. But I wasn’t listening to what He told me! I made the decisions to change myself to PLEASE my husband. It didn’t matter, he still went on to have multiple affairs in me with lots of women over the 21yrs we were married! Long story short, had I not allowed the man I loved then to tear my self esteem apart and mess with my head, I would have never gotten the breast implants or done any of the other fool hearted things I did to make myself attractive to him! Jesus carried me through all of it!!!! I got away from that situation and away from this person I loved many years ago. My Lord has helped me and walked with me every step of the way! I have struggled for so many years thinking I altered my body, am I really, truly forgiven for doing this to the body God blessed me with! Then I read Your article, and I am reminded that Christ died on the cross for ALL SIN! I know that now! Thank You for reminding me! My advice to any woman thinking about doing this surgery. Really take the time to pray, truly ask the Lord to quide You. Listen to what He is speaking to You. Ask Yourself “why do I really want to do this, what is my reason”? Seek God first! Remember, He created beautiful You. Love Yourself just as You are. Never let anyone or anything including a job make You feel like You need to alter Your body. God Bless!
Wow. Thanks for sharing such an important message from your life. I appreciate it and know others will too.