We need Truth. All of us can get focused on the lies we tell ourselves and the lies of the one who seeks to kill, steal and destroy. I’ve found the only solution for it is to allow the Father to regularly search our thoughts and show us any wicked way we’re walking in.
When we can hear the Father’s voice chains fall off of our souls; wounds still festering are healed. Knowing He’s there in the dark places of our souls and that He desires to see us free – after all it is what Jesus did while He was in the world, and He only did what He saw the Father do – so we know He wants to speak truth into our places of pain.
It begins by internalizing that we are new creations in Christ – old things have passed away, behold all things have become new:
Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17 (Amplified Bible)
The good news is you’re not messed up. Too many people think that we “do the things we don’t want to do” because we are. Don’t take that condemnation. It’s not from the Father.
When Paul told the Romans that this is what he did (Romans 7), he was illustrating the problem with the law. He was showing that the law was good, in that it shows us what is wrong, but once we know what is wrong; we still can’t do the good. This was his lament. However, IN CHRIST we can do all things.
We’re not “messed up” but we are wounded. And the Father seeks to heal those wounds. Here’s how you can allow Him to:
1. In your quiet time with the Father, set special time aside. Ask the Father to sanctify it so you can hear Him clearly.
2. Ask the Father to take you to a wounded part of your soul. It could be fear, anger, discouragement, etc.
3. Ask the Father to show you where this wound came into your life. What do you see? What do you smell? What do you hear? What is happening?
4. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the Father in that circumstance. Do you see him? What is He doing?
5. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the lie you’ve chosen to believe because of this situation. Listen to what He says.
6. Ask the Father to tell you the truth of how He sees the situation? What does He say? What does He do? Know that he’s speaking. This is going to be good.
7. Confess the lie you’ve been believing as sin, ask the Father to forgive you. Pronounce the truth He’s just revealed as the truth you now believe. Declare to satan you’ll no longer live out of the lies he once had you believe.
Understand a few things in this process. First, God is good and He wants you to be healed. Two, satan is a liar, you don’t need to agree with him. Three, the thoughts that pop into your head – as long as they agree with the will of the Father expressed in Scripture, and in His revealed character in this age of grace – are the thoughts the Father has for you. They are good. You can trust them.
If you need someone to walk with you through this, find someone trained in theophostics or Sozo. Art Mathias of Wellspring Ministries has a lot of success in this.
Have you found release with a similar technique to this? I’d love to hear your stories. If you minister to people in a similar way, leave a link to your site in the comments.
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