Lately I’ve been hearing “wait for a week”, it gets me thinking I should slow down and consider God and give Him time so I can hear. I just made a list of of a number of projects I want to get done before I start a huge writing project. It’s not going to be easy fro me to wait…at least I know I’ll hear Him when I listen. This is one of the ways I’ve learned how to listen.
If the Father spoke, and all came into being… and the Spirit inspired the Son to be called “the Word made flesh”… then it is safe to assume God is always speaking. We know His creation always is:
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.3 There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.Psalm 19:1-4 (New International Version)
So if the Father is constantly trying to communicate with us, we need to learn how to listen. Many people don’t know they can learn.
But we can, and here’s a quick and “safe” exercise to get you started.
- Write down a prayer list of people you’re praying for.
- As you pray for them, asked the Father, “Can you show me how to pray?”
- Pray the first thought that comes into your head.
- If you can, talk to the one you’re praying for and find out if you’re on track. Take them out for coffee and say something like: “I’ve been feeling like I should pray for you about …. ” and fill in the blank. “Does that make any sense to you?”
You’re practicing. You’re allowed to make mistakes. If they can’t make sense of it, it may not mean you’re off. It could be in the near future for them, or they could be lying.
They don’t need to be a follower of Christ in fact, it’s more fun if they’re not. But remember, use discretion if God has you praying for something you shouldn’t know that could make them embarrassed or uncomfortable. It’s best to not bring up sin, but instead show them the gold.
Here’s what I mean… you could sense there is real trouble in a marriage and you could be led to pray for them before they mention it to you. You may not want to bring up the hard heartedness you’ve been praying about, but rather shine a light on the gold in their relationship and point it to a positive future.
How do you listen to God? I’d love to hear how you do. Please leave your comments.
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