In an earlier post I answered a question about How to Filled with the Spirit. I had to clarify what that meant and mentioned I probably don’t hold a “classical” view of the doctrine of tongues held in some circles I’ve been a part of.
It was actually quite funny one day in seminary. I was the one always making pentecostal jokes. I only make fun of what I’m a part of, but I guess this one guy didn’t pick up on it. He had three guys from the pentecostal Bible school in a corner laughing at them because they were pentecostal.
I came up on them and he said to me, “Can you believe these guys thinks tongues are still for today?”
“Awesome” I replied. That stopped his laughter.
“I pray with them every day. What do you do to build yourself up?”
He walked away.
I know the power of praying in tongues daily. I’ve studied the Scriptures around speaking in tongues and can tell you what I know about it…
What is speaking in tongues?
- It’s a gift that builds us up.
- It’s a starter gift that launches us into greater gifts.
- It’s a powerful tool for strengthening us so that in turn we can strengthen others.
6 Things That Happen When We Speak in Tongues
When we speak in tongues we:
- Build ourselves up, (1 Corinthians 14:4, Jude 1:20),
- Speak to God directly without any pretense (1 Corinthians 14:2)
- Fulfill a command to pray in the Spirit on all occasions (Ephesians 6:18)
- Have words to continue praying when our words run out (Romans 8:25)
- Pray confidently knowing we intercede for others according to the will of God (Romans 8:26-27)
- Have a sign for unbelievers (1 Corinthians 14:22)
When we pray in tongues it’s not like we shut down our minds and go into rote prayer. This can actually lead to unfruitful prayer. When we pray in tongues we need to be aware that our Spirit is communicating with God’s Spirit (See 1 Corinthians 14:14-15). It’s true that at times we may be establishing in prayer things that our mind cannot even grasp. In fact if our intellect could grasp the vastness of some of our prayers in the Spirit, we probably wouldn’t even believe what we are establishing in the Heavenlies.
However as we exercise this gift we can become a lot more aware of what we are praying in tongues for. We may even at times know exactly what we’re praying if we receive the gift of interpretation of tongues.
How to Pray for the Gift of Tongues
Ask for it.
If you are a believer in Christ then you have the Holy Spirit within you. It’s your Inheritance. So:
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you (Mat. 7:7)
Eagerly Desire it.
Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. 1 Corinthians 12:31
Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit… 1 Corinthians 14:1
Since you are eager for gifts of the Spirit, try to excel in those that build up the church. 1 Corinthians 14:12
Step Out In Faith.
Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him (Hebrews 11:6).
I’ll explain these by going over how to overcome common obstacles.
How to Overcome Common Obstacles
What if I’m lead by the wrong Spirit?
Jesus said “…when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. (John 16:13-15)
Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (Luke 11:9-13)
I open my mouth but nothing comes out
It’s true that some people will open there mouth and words will just gush out without any effort on their part. While this is a wonderful testimony of many people who receive the gift of tongues, it doesn’t always happen this way. Remember we can’t put God in a box or designate a strict formula to the way the Spirit of God wants to operate.
Often people expect to be literally possessed by the Holy Spirit. But remember God has given us a free will to choose. Chances are the Holy Spirit will not overtake you and move your mouth and tongue for you.
You are in control: the spirits of the prophets are subject to the control of the prophets (1 Corinthians 14:32)
But you are to be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit of God.
Speaking in tongues is often just like speaking a foreign language. The words sound strange and they can seem very unnatural when forming them with our mouth!
It’s our responsibility to speak the words as we heed the instruction of our Language tutor – the Holy Spirit.
At time, for some people it may even feel extremely uncomfortable. That’s O.K. This is why the Holy Spirit is our Comforter. Be encouraged that God is in the midst of your learning experience to comfort. It’s what he’s promised!
What if I’m making it all up?
Is it your heart’s desire to speak in your God given Spiritual Language? If yes then you will have to operate in Faith. Another way to spell Faith is RISK. Open your mouth and speak out the sounds that are formed in your mind and your heart and remember that:
Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him (Hebrews 11:6).
So what if some of the words are made up by you. Never mind, if you are operating in faith be encouraged in that God is pleased with your faith. He will help you get things right!
So form the sounds, speak them out loud. You may only have one or two syllables. Wonderful! Say them in every possible way you can say them. Don’t despise the days of small beginnings. Overtime you’ll grow in confidence and vocabulary.
Paul wished that we would all speak in tongues (Jude 1:20) and every Christian can speak in tongues. Not everyone is a “speaker of tongues”(the office) (1 Corinthians 14:4-5), But all are encouraged to pray in the Spirit to build ourselves up (1 Corinthians 14:4-5). When you’re alone in prayer, tongues can be the greatest gift because speaking in tongues builds you up (1 Corinthians 14:4-5).
So will you eagerly desire it?
Therefore, my brothers and sisters, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues. 1 Corinthians 14:39
I know this is controversial and I have a lot more I could say about it. Appreciate your comments below.
I had no idea that this is what I needed in my prayer life!! I believe God has led me here! I’m new to the Faith, I wasn’t taught how to pray and I wasn’t raised in it at all but I was saved when my now husband brought me to his childhood church (Apostolic Pentecostal) and I remember speaking in tongues for the first time a few years ago one Sunday on the Day of Pentecost (I think in 2018?) and feeling the rush of the Holy Spirit just completely engulf me and I felt as if I were in the middle of a hurricane and I remember my tongue just moving up and down uncontrollably and I literally couldn’t stop it at all like I was locked in and I was just saying “lalalala” and I didn’t understand what it meant and any time after that that’s what I said until a few months ago I surrendered my life to Jesus and I started to say “ya ya ya” instead but I stopped because I was afraid of saying the wrong thing. Until tonight i read this and I decided to try it because I felt a strong nudge from the Holy Spirit like he had something he wanted me to say and i started off with my usual prayer “Heavenly Father,” and I just let go and I HAVE NEVER talked that fast in my life! I don’t think I caught one syllable 😂 I felt absolute power rush through me and I laugh/cried happy tears! This is amazing! What a precious gift God has given us!!
Indeed I want to speak in tongues but it’s failing but because of Heb 11:6 I am gonna keep my faith up
I’m a little confused…hmmm
I pray that you find this, RevTrev. I want to thank you for this article. I have been earnestly seeking the gift of tongues for months now. I believed that the Holy Spirit would just “take over,” but after reading your article, I decided to give faith a try. I prayed and said, Lord, you know my heart and its desires. You know I long for a deeper connection with you. I want more of You. I know that You are a gracious Father that gives out of love, so I know that the gift of tongues has been mine. Father, forgive me for my unbelief and doubt. I trust You, Lord. Holy Spirit, lead me. Instantly, I begin to say what came to mind. Two phrases over and over. After I finished praying in the Spirit, I felt lead to look up what I had said to see if I could find a translation. These are the two phrases I spoke that I can recall: Asaiah•baka•tai and shia•baka•tai. Which translates to: Asaiah: The Lord Hath Made
Baka- Weeping Tai- Dew from Heaven and Shia- Gift from God Baka- Weeping Tai- Dew From Heaven. I am overwhelmed and so thankful!!! Thank You, Father, for Your precious gifts, Your favor, and Your love.
So much great things I have learned about praying in tongues. I get my self praying in tongue sometimes but I stop, cos I doubt it and I feel awkward when I find myself praying in tongues. Thank👏 , that this is so helpful to me. Good morning to more blessing upon you
I dnt think this is a coincidence that I prayed and asked the Lord to guide me to the truth before I Google this topic and I found ur article. All the things u mentioned are the things I hv been battling with. And u made it clear for me.
I thank God for using u to reveal to us
Thank u and God bless u
Thank you very much.
Thank you so much for the clarification.. I have been struggling with this for some time..I have not been able to say more than a sentence and I don’t always say cos I ask what if I am taking it..I will keep praying and intensify my desire for it..thank u once again
This has actually been the best information to date that I’ve found on this. One of my greatest fears was faking it but your words on “what if I’m faking it?” really helped clear that up. I truly be in the Spirit while praying bu as soon as I feel the urge to use my unknown tongue in public settings that welcome it my volume goes down. I will continue going from faith to faith on this matter. Thank you for this word. God bless.
Thank you!
I have struggled for the past year about this. You have given me clarity. I believe the holy spirit led me to your article on this today. THANK YOU
I get so blessed when I find out people are blessed. Thanks for blessing me today!
Thank you for this . i have sterted in tongues though i do not understand the meaning but i understand that the utterances are from the spirit of God because i speak out the words confidently as if i knew what am saying and the words keep flowing out from my mouth. Please i want this to continue, pray for me to continue in it and advice me more on it bcos sometimes while i want to ask myself why i dont understand the words. I want interprete them or to atleast interprete one of the words. Thank yiu
Seek the gift of interpretation. We’re told to eagerly seek the gifts.
Hello. When praying in tongues , can you give me some example to do for keeping my mind focused in Lord Jesus. And some example to not letting my mind wander about another thing like cooking, tv program…
Learn to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.
It really helpful
I’ve recently started trying to speak in tounges. When i do i only say a few words, and they seem to be words that i’ve just made up, by changing words from English slightly, and whenever i want to speak a new word, i seem to just do the same (modify an english word)…
Keep up with it… more words come. I can’t show a scripture to explain why. This is just my experience.
Praise the lord in the name of Mighty Jesus Christ.It is a wonderful blog need of the hour. I also have faced many questions on praying in spirit. I will post detailed one in coming days of my experience. Thanks for this blog Mr Revtrev. One thing for sure deeds of the flesh mentioned in Galatians 5:19-21 can be mortified only through praying in tongues.
Romans 8:13
for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
I come from orthodox hindu background living in christ. But have been living ups and down in christ. Now i have surrendered completly.Again taken up the praying weapon of GOD praying in tongues
I have been saved for 10 years but I cant speak in tongues what to do
Know you’re accepted.
Eagerly desire.
Be ready to receive.
Be willing to risk.
Let me know if the article and comments help.
what do you mean by be willing to risk?
I find too many “respectable” Christians (don’t worry, I lump myself in that group at times) feel uncomfortable speaking in tongues and want God to take over complete control of them if before they’re willing to look to a bit foolish. “Willing to risk” means “Be willing to look foolish to others when you seek after God.” I hope that helps.
I was praising and worshiping in our church service one morning and I felt my spirit leap and begain to utter words I didn’t understand. I don’t much remember what I said,I just know it wasn’t english. Is this praying in
toungues or my own personal prayer language between me and GOD?
It can be between you and God. It’s for your strengthening, not others. I’ve often seen it be an encouragement to others when it’s in an earthly language.
Thanks for this blog it was very helpful. God Bless
Thank you Shae
praying in tongues is an awesome gift,however some times the devil can make you feel like you are wasting time.I am praying about a situation for a year now day and night ive been praying in tongues,should i give up?
Never give up. Spend time in God’s presence. Keep your mind on His when you pray in tongues. There may be some value to build yourself up praying in the Spirit even if you don’t pray in the Spirit with the understanding, but having both keeps religious sentiment out of it.
When we need help do we ask ? Do we only seek the Father in prayer? Do we just wait? DO we keep searching scripture to understand? Seek Seek Seek? I need to understand about tongues, do we pray with others and can it be on English and tongues? If there is no interpretation is it unbiblical? We know that we are praying for someone for a cause or need but is it wrong if you/we start to pray in tongues AND THEY can hear you or us? Is this intercessory or sin? I have this gift and don’t want to be out of order with God, it feels right but is it biblically right? We can all fall under false teachings/prophets, and I need to understand.
1. Keep seeking God.
2. Eagerly desire gifts.
3. Start from your identity…you’re loved by a Father who gives good gifts.
4. Jude and Paul tell us Tongues build ourselves up. I feel that means they are usually meant to pray in private. I know there are times we gather when everyone speaks in tongues. I usually don’t appreciate that. It’s too much of what seems to be happening in Corinth that Paul had to correct. IF there is a message in tongues and I’m leading a service, we don’t move on until an interpretation comes.
5. Sometimes I do pray in tongues when I’m praying for someone because I don’t know how to pray. I usually let them know that’s what I’m doing and if they’re comfortable with it.
I hope that helps. Sorry I wasn’t able to get back sooner.
hi..i totally agree..tongues should be in private, between u and god..otherwise there should be interpretation..god has really revealed this to me today..because i am not comfortable with everybody just praying loudly in tongues with unbelievers there
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revtrev ~ I was introduced to praying in tongues and baptism of the Holy Spirit two days ago by a sweet friend of mine. I know very little about it. I have never been taught of it nor was I in a church that practiced speaking in tongues. I have another friend who said, ‘Regarding tongues in general, it’s something I wouldn’t touch unless I was 100% sure it was God-given and authentic. And I wouldn’t want to learn the practice from an individual, because if it were ever something God induced, I feel I wouldn’t need human instruction.’ I must say, I am confused. I have read all your comments here. One comment said that it was a gift given to all of us at the moment of acceptance of salvation through Jesus Christ. I would like to see the verse that expresses this. I am on a journey to learn more about this.
I am speaking in utterances and language that I do not understand. I have actually found the definition of some of the words using online sources. Some of the things I have said (amongst other sounds that do not seem to be words in any language) are: worship with hands open wide, to know, wisdom, Adonai (name of God,) creation, Ranakah (which is a volcano in Indonesia,) beloved, friend, believing. There are more that I can’t spell well enough to find. Some of the syllables come so fast that I don’t know where the word begins and ends. I do not know any of these languages. Some of the words are Hebrew, Persian, Italian, Spanish and even found one in Irish.
I suppose a naysayer would believe I am randomly attaching syllables together and ‘finding’ words by happenstance in the midst of the gibberish. I realize I do not need to understand the words I am saying. I sometimes sing them. I have found the practice to be very comforting as humming can be comforting physically; this way of praying is comforting in my spirit.
I would appreciate your thoughts and any other teaching you may have. I will be looking at the links from the comments above as well.
Thank you
Maybe contact me and we can talk over skype. If you’re up for it and don’t mind me recording it for RevTrevTV (I can keep you off the screen if you want) I think it would be a great way we can help others. Let me know by using the contact page.
Eagerly desire to speak in tongues
Eagerly desire every gift too. It’s the gift we need in the moment we need to eagerly need to desire.
I don’t hear my self when I speak just my teeth moving I don’t even hear a sound
I have a very string desire of speaking in tongues. I do make up the noises as I hear others sayinhg them. But still haven’t received. You said I should say them out loud. Do I do this only when am alone or even in church
The gift of tongues is the only gift that is primarily for the one with it, rather than the local body. With it we build ourselves up, which makes us more able to fulfill all the “one another” commands, so in essence, it does benefit the local the body. I recommend doing it in private. I rarely speak in tongues in a public setting…and that’s the opposite of my church tradition…because I see the gathered times are for us to connect with God together.
Hope that helps. I’m praying for you. Keep up the great work – let me know when your webpage is done being developed.
Hello Fellow Believers,
Just wanted to add in some words of encouragement from a person who took 18 yrs to speak in tongues. I used to think that people who could speak in tongues were more spiritual (WRONG). I wanted the gift as some sort of proof that I was a mature Christian [boy did I have it wrong and my motive was totally off]. Anyway, to anyone out there who is FRUSTRATED that you can’t seem to do it like everyone else, let me tell you how I came to speak in tongues (this is the short version). I wanted to speak in tongues and asked many people. Nothing worked. For 18 yrs I was jealous of those who could S.I.T (Speak in Tongues). One day three yrs ago I was home from church. I came across some lady’s blog where she talked about how she came to Christ and began to S.I.T. Suddenly it hit me! When I say “it”, I DON’T mean the Holy Spirit. I mean that I got revelation knowledge. Listen to me….. at that moment I realized that God had answered my prayer 18 yrs ago! I WAS ABLE. I didn’t need to try, to warm myself up, to sing a song or cry tears first. I could S.I.T because he said I could! I never knew that before. I was waiting for a feeling, a goosebump, an emotional high, anything at all! It was totally undramatic. I got up off the chair in the kitchen where I had read the blog, went into my room, opened my mouth, moved my tongue and OH MY GOSH!! It was tongues. Just to be sure, I started and stopped, added a tune to it and from that day, any time I want I can speak in tongues. It isn’t dramatic and I don’t feel anything, but the spirit is working anyway. If you don’t speak in tongues don’t feel bad. Be assured that YOU ARE a tongue speaker, you’ve just never used the gift. Stop praying for tongues and ask the Lord to remove DOUBT from your mind. It’s not that you haven’t gotten the gift, but it’s that old enemy called doubt blocking your tongue. The Lord will give you a burst of faith and then you’ll open your mouth. Yes, it’s a great gift but if you don’t ever speak a single syllable in tongues your salvation is in no way in danger. A book that TRULY helped me understand tongues is “Walk in the Spirit” by Dave Roberson. It is free for download from his website. You’re going to make it. Be encouraged!
Thanks for the encouragement. I’ll need to check out the book myself.
Let’s keep in touch.
Hi, I need help. I’m a born again believer for over 2 years and struggling with this. I’ve asked and opened my mouth and made my own noises, but nothing rolled off. Do I just pick a word, say hallelujah and repeat that over for a few mins every day?
I’m very analytical, but I really want tongues.
Pray for me. Be blessed.
Praying for you. Walk in faith not fear. Look to God not just others. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes…there is grace for all of us.
I was a Christian of 16 years and still had not spoken in tongues and was very analytical like you. I wanted it to happen because God did it not because I forced it. I was a youth leader in the church and many were surprised that I didn’t speak in tongues. It made me feel a weird pressure that I needed to speak in tongues if I was a Christian. At least that’s what I was hearing everyone tell me. I knew it didn’t make sense because I had the Holy Spirit and had evidence in my life of him working in me (the fruit of the spirit). Anyways one day my husband said to me: it’s available to everyone as a heavenly prayer language and you just need to start uttering words/syllabols and have faith that the Holy Spirit is interceding for you. Held onto that. It just clicked and one day when I was alone in a room praying for my baby who was having a hard time sleeping I decided to give t a try and I started speaking in tongues.
I found your article about speaking tongues and would like to send you an email ask you for some advices.
A little bit background about myself. I became an reborn christian a year ago and last month a friend of mine she is a mature reborn christian laid hands on me and I received the gift of tonuges (Praise the lord!) At first I was so excited and scared as I knew this is a supernatural power from god who makes my tongues rolled up itself and made the sound out. For the first week i kept practising, it always sounded like gibberish and repeated over and over the 2-3 words. 2 weeks after i started getting discouraged didn’t understand why still couldnt speak fluently as my christian friend she told me she could speak fluently after 2 weeks. So i kept praying to god I really want to master the gift of tongues so I can praise and sing for him sincerely.
It’s been almost a month but I still repeat those 2-3 words only (I actually skipped practising for 1 to 1.5 weeks). and now i found that the energy of my tongue it moves itself becomes weaker. I actually am not sure is it because I am not focusing thinking about god when i speaking in tongues or due to the lack of practising or what how come it seems like there is no improvement in the language? And by your experience normally how long for a person who can speak it fluently? and what should i do to speak fluently? And will god take away this gift from me if I m not using it?
I know someone who could only speak 1 unknown word for over a year. He kept at it even when he felt foolish about speaking what seemed ridiculous. Still he persisted with the simple thought that “without faith you can’t please God” assuming that if he was doing it in faith, it must be pleasing to God.
The interesting thing was someone heard him speak his 1 word and knew the language. He was told he was speaking the word “power”.
This person -who could only speak 1 word in an unknown language for over a year – went on to rock the world with his ministry.
Unfortunately he didn’t steward what God entrusted to him well. I’m not mentioning his name because, yes, he really messed up. But the point I need to make is two-fold.
1. Don’t despise the day of small beginnings. and
2. Steward whatever He gives you well.
January 23rd 2013. First and foremost I want to give thanks to the Lord for He is almighty, amazing and exalted! He has promises for us in His word as believers, promises that we can receive if we step out in faith. Today at roughly 23:00pm after battling with my flesh I finally spoke in tongues ( for the first time since the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT, which was 4 or 5 years ago) I’ve prayed for this gift for the past two days. Tonight I decided to take the leap of faith and speak in tongues, but I couldn’t get a word past my lips. Immediately an immense fear came over me. “what if I’ll be blaspheming God if I speak in tongues, what if it’s me whose making it up?!” I just couldn’t open my mouth in faith and speak in tongues. I prayed for strenght and reminded myself that God didn’t give us a spirit of fear and if we’d ask for bread He wouldn’t give us a snake. A link on google suggested to repeat a word or a phrase over and over to “kick start” the gift of tongues, if you were unsure or scared how to start speaking it from the get go. So I closed my eyes, thanked and praised the Lord and took my leap in faith. I repeated the word hallelujah for a while until I started to stumble over my words, before I knew it I was saying single words in tongues, it was flowing out of my mouth for about 10seconds. I was in control of it but not IN control, I don’t know how to explain it. The devil is a liar and I nearly missed this beautiful experience and gift because of the fears and doubts that he tried to whisper in my head. Praise the Lord, Oh my soul! I’ll praise Him till I draw my last breath!! Trust in the Lord, Amen!.
Awesome Josie! Yes, I know many people who started out with one word. Some had to pray it for over a year. It was almost like learning a new language in the natural.
Our God knows how we’ll respond and uses it all for our good. Keep praying and may it flow from your lips and may your life emulate His more and more!
I have two years in Christianity but I havent yet received them but I twice dream praying in the gift languages pliz pray for me
Praying for you. Seek the Lord and don’t feel unloved if you’re not speaking in other tongues. They are for you benefit, not to make you a superior feeling person.
I’d like to point something out to you… and I’m praying that the revelation of the simplicity of this word is made manifest to your (and other’s) heart(s)…
You said you’re dreaming of praying in the “gift language”… what type of language did you call it? ‘GIFT’… You nailed it exactly with your description of the thing, IT IS A GIFT. Actually ‘it’ isn’t a thing at all… “IT” is simply are fuller measure of a Person… THE PERSON – God the Holy Spirit.. You’re receiving Him, not a language. Seek for Him and not just words. He will lead you into all truth and teach you all things.
Notice in Acts 2:4, who does it say did the talking???
“And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance”… Re-read it again and answer the question…..the subject of the sentence is ‘THEY’… ‘they’ were filled, and ‘they’ did the talking – as the spirit gave ‘them’ the utterance
Did the Holy Spirit already come? Undoubtedly yes, He was sent to the Earth on Pentecost (see above)… Have you received Him into your spirit to live in you? If so, then all of this applies to you
When you receive a gift in the natural world you simply open your hands and receive it, and in good manners thank the person for the gift that was given to you. In the spiritual it is the same… Simply thank God for the gift that HE WANTS TO GIVE TO YOU. and RECEIVE it by faith.
Then while still acting in faith, search your heart for syllables bubbling within your inner conscience (a.k.a. spirit) and act on faith by speaking these words (that are coming up from your heart) as the Holy Spirit is directing the words to you.
Caleb, I rarely…and unintentionally use “it” to describe Holy Spirit. I can’t really understand what you are trying to explain. I’ve never heard any reasonable teaching saying, “they” is how we operate in the gifts.
True, in past times the Spirit was placed on certain people for specific tasks. Now He’s given to ALL of us. That’s not to say we can’t operate in the gifts without being in a group. Paul is teaching against how the gifts were practiced WHEN together in 1 Corinthians. We see in Acts Paul acting in the gifts without being together.
Have I missed what you’re trying to say? I may have and I apologies if I have. But if I haven’t I would like to have more of a discussion around what you’re trying to say.
I agree that some people think they are special because I’ve witnessed people speaking and then being nasty to someone. Also When I was Baptised it was expected to be slain in the Spirit and suddenly speak in tongues didn’t happen still can not, Maybe we are not all meant to receive all Gods gifts, Yes some churches make it a pressure to speak, I’ll try one more time if not so be it I’ll pray regular.
Joan, we’re told by Paul to eagerly desire the greater gift. In context, I see that as the gift that we need in the moment. Paul was talking to a gathered group of believers so the greatest gift they could have for the benefit of all was the gift of prophesy. But since tongues is for our own personal benefit, I do see it as the greater gift we need when we’re alone with him.
Don’t give up seeking the gift. It’s never your level of personal holiness or experience that’s holding it back. Most of the time I find it’s a psychological barrier that needs to be overcome, not a spiritual one. The gift of tongues is for everyone…but some will flow in in it more easily and – as Paul writes – will be known as “speakers of tongues.”
Let’s keep in touch.
Please pray for me. My husband is a pastor, Holy Spirit filled, tongue speaking. I have prayed for many years to receive the gift. It is so frustrating because there are times when I’m in a prayer circle and am the only one who is not speaking in tongues. Now we have women joining the church who speak in tongues and it is causing me to feel quite inadequate. I have a friend who has been diagnosed with cancer and I would like to intercede in the spirit on her behalf. I have family who are Jehovah’s Witness and I am praying for their salvation. I would like to go into the Spirit realm to cry out to God for their deliverance. Please, please pray for me. What am I doing wrong?
I know in some circles people feel like second class citizen of the Kingdom when they can’t speak in tongues. Even when it it’s taught that way, there is a sense of spiritual superiority sensed by people who do.
I’d like to remind everyone that the gift of tongues is the least of all because it’s the only gift that’s meant for the individual. It’s meant to build us up personally, not collectively.
That’s why Paul said, “I wish you would all speak in tongues, but I’d rather have you prophecy.”
I rarely speak in tongues in public because it is a personal gift. I leave it for my private prayer times.
I never assume someone is spiritual because they speak in tongues. In my experience, I’ve seen people who speak in tongues one minute do really evil things the next…not just things I disapprove of, but illegal, immoral, soul-damaging harm to themselves and others.
I wish we would all see the gift for what it is.
Know, I’ve seen a LOT of people start to speak in tongues when they overcome the psychological hinderances…as it’s rarely a spiritual hinderance. A lot of people assume Holy Spirit will possess them and speak through them.
That’s possession, not filling.
We need to move our lips and form the words.
Yes, we’ve all heard stories of people who can only speak in Chinese for weeks at a time. That’s the exception that proves the norm. If that’s not our experience we need to simply do what we can in faith, knowing that’s what pleases God.
I hope that helps. You’re not a second class citizen, you’re a daughter of the KING!
I’m praying for you.
In my prayer closet, I always start of by giving God thy father thanksgiving, it’s like I can’t even stand strong. My heart be so tender heart for the spirit, it’s the godly love that I have for Jesus,. Glory! Anyhow, sometimes in prayer my English would be stop, and I would begin to cry out as a baby. I cannot stop calling on Lord, it sounds like a baby. At first sometimes when it comes out, it’s like hard rough sound Lord, then it carry on as babbling like a baby saying lord, Then when I’m trying to speak with it, it sounds like my tongue rolls; example: such as french or something. When I call out Jesus name, it sounds more like two ss on end. The spirit moves me, and sometimes before I begin praying, I just come to the father, and talk. I’m claim, sometimes, my spirit becomes heavy breathing, sweat, and just passion…. I tell the father, lord you know my heart,… you see me, and it just instant hits me. I begin to sound like a babe. Then sometimes when I think I’m done,,, as I speak more, it comes right back, and I’m just crying out lips shaking very heavy, and sounding like a baby calling out lord.
Keep it up. Enjoy His presence.
I have received the Holy Ghost and have spoken in tongues (fluently when I received). But every since then, I rarely ever speak or pray in tongues even though I want to. For others in my church (pentecostal) it seems so easy and some can pray for extended lengths of time without any English! I know my prayer life is not anywhere near where it should be, so I am hoping that by praying more it will get easier. Thanks for your article 🙂
I received the HG in June 2011.
Awesome. Keep growing.
Keep spending time in His presence. Just relax and invite Him. Gifts need to be practiced to grow, so don’t think of it as an experience that happened once. It’s a relationship that keeps growing.
Thanks 🙂
You’re so welcome.
i am growing in faith . and need the Lord desperately in my life . i seek the gift speak in tongues so its easy for me to pray and strengthen my spiritual. i did speak but im not sure am i praying in tongues?
please pray for me .
Rex, been praying for you for. Keep eagerly desire the gift and the giver. Hope to hear how it goes.
Please pray for me. I desire to be able to speak in tongues during my prayer. I know that praying to God in tongues will edify me and will definitely add strength to my intercessions for others. There are matters that I just don’t know the ins and outs of, and when I am impressed by the Holy Ghost to pray for someone else, I sometimes get grieved or weary because I just run out of words and it seems so mundane at times. I hope that I don’t have the wrong spirit about this, but it’s simply how I feel.
Also, I spoke in tongues once and it was fluent and it wasn’t my mind making up words. It hasn’t happened since. There have been times where I have been praying and I just felt it coming on (only when I would pray for my little boy) and I would “quench it. Now it doesn’t. I am determined to be strong in faith, because I just knowt that faith is the key. I don’t have a “second-class christian” image of myself because I don’t speak in tongues now. It’s not that at all. I just desire to do it for the sake of my prayer life and the building up of my inner-man.
I believe God.
I trust that in due time it will happen again.
It’s just frustrating at times. My intellectgets in the way. lol.
I’m praying for you. Spend time in His presence. Enjoy what He shows you. I find many people try too hard to earn gifts instead of accept them. Know He gives good gifts to His children.
Let’s keep in touch. Would appreciate hearing the rest of your story.
I struggled with this for a while. After my ‘turning point’ experience, which I now believe was my baptism in the Holy Spirit, I was led to a lovely pentecostal church (of which I am still a member after 26years).
They seemed to say that speaking/praying in tongues was THE sign of being baptised in the Spirit. Just open your mouth and speak whatever comes.
Well… it sounds like utter gibberish, unlike other church members whose prayer language sounds like a proper language even though I don’t understand it. The nearest I can describe it is mine is like baby-babbling, yet not really even like that lovely sweet sound babies make.
Two things I take from this. It’s God’s little joke. I’m something of an intelectual – so my language is baby-babbling – He’s reminding me that I am His child. When I pray in tongues, it’s an act of faith. I have to have faith to believe that it means something.
It’s very useful. In those moments when you just don’t know what to pray. You have a heart for a person, but just don’t know what to pray for them. Meditating on the greatness/mercy/infinite love etc of God, we run out of words but can continue praying in tongues. the enemy might try to say I’m being lazy, but I just carry on.
When troubled by thoughts – pray in tongues. It’s almost as though the enemy can’t get at our minds when we’re praying in tongues.
Hope this might be of help.
Sandra, try to keep my focus on “without faith it’s impossible to please God” knowing then that when I act in faith, I’m pleasing Him…even if I’m getting it wrong. I find this helps people to risk sounding like a babbling baby. Thanks for stepping out in faith and sharing your experience with other revtrev readers.
Thank you !!!
You must have discerment
Thank you
I am an interpreter by profession and have studied many languages and translated and interpreted for many people based on my understanding of these languages in great depth. Whilst praying with a friend she stopped mid sentence and said the Lord gave her a message to convey to me, that I had to start praying in tongues. I looked at her as though she was mad and responded that being an interpreter the hardest thing for me to do was to speak a language I could firstly not understand and secondly, interpret. I was flabbergasted! Until then it was something that I believed was not for me. She explained how and why in a vey practical and easy to understand manner and I then realized that I was denying myself the hotline to God and not acting in faith. That night I decided I needed to follow His instruction and took a leap of faith and opened my mouth and the words just flowed. One or two at first stuttering along the way and the embarrassment left me as the sounds that came out were comforting and musical. I just felt Jesus’s love. How could I have been so stubborn and denied myself and God this wonderful connection all this time? Thanks rev for your explanation and clarity that will encourage more people to get their hotlines up and running.
Thank you for sharing Taryn. You have a great experience to share…and many more coming on the way.
i started speaking in tongues when i was 10 years of age now i’m 14 now…it was a geat experiance for me……we were batised by spriat of god and i jst open my mouth i start to speak in tongue……our pastor was shock when they heard me to start speak in tongue……it was something like this KIKIYALALAYARAKAKAYA RABARABA SADE RABA YADO RABARABA KUYA LAMAMA SADO and goes on it as help me alot…in buliding sriat being
Joseph, Keep building yourself up by praying in the Spirit. I was 9 or 10 myself when I first started doing it. Find it works best to at least do it daily in private.
I prayed. For an hour to speak in youngest no I beloved I got it now somtimez when iget frustrated on something I automatically. Blab something it feels like something overtakes my mouth otherwise I have to. the movie date with an angel helps a lot because that angel makes a lot of weird sounds so people want to kind of know what tounges sound like Get the movie date with an angel staring Emmanuellel heart and Michael Knight
I’m a little confused with what you’re saying…are you speaking in tongues as you write 🙂
I read this article after watching this youtube video …and somehow after reading this one helps my faith to reallly believe on speaking tongues.
Thanks Amie. I’ll check out the video in a while. I appreciate you sharing it here.
Thank you for the article, iam a christian filled with the spirit but i only speak alphabets, but i will keep on speaking. But i think what is hindering me is fear of speasking the wrong thing.
Keep seeking after God. Paul tells us to eagerly require spiritual gifts…but we need to be careful to seek the Giver and not just the gift.
Thankyou so much for this article. It’s very well balanced and clear.
Thank YOU so much. I appreciate knowing what people are thinking
I was desperately praying and crying out to God alone one time and out of the blue a voice began saying to my spirit and it said that i had uttered a curse in my life. i was afraid and was cautious to speak in tongues anymore. Can i put curse in my life by praying desperately in tongues?
When you pray in the Spirit, never fear that it’s out of line with the Will of the Father…and don’t forget – who can curse who God has blessed! You are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
Remember that Scripture also says we build are selves up by praying in tongues. That certainly can’t lead to a curse.
I enjoyed this teaching. I have been studying and praying that the holy spirit will help me speak in tongues , I havent yet but i know its in there . also will the holy spirit help you with your gifts , because I have been praying that the lord teach me what my gifts are and how to use them . and i am willing to recieve them all .
Samantha, you are in the right place. Remember we ask the Father who knows how to give good gifts.
I like to pray in tongues but i do not understand the words that are comming out of my mouth.
That’s exactly true. If your praying in a language you know, your praying with understanding…good thing to do. But don’t forget praying in the Spirit is also part of the command –
Well then, what shall I do? I will pray in the spirit, and I will also pray in words I understand. I will sing in the spirit, and I will also sing in words I understand. (1 Corinthians 14:15 New Living Translation ©2007)
I am new at speaking in tounges. Personally, it seems to me that Im saying the same thing over and over again. Is there anything I can do to help strengthin it and help grow it?
When we learn a natural language, we need to practice it become more fluent. I rarely focus on the words I’m saying because I want to stay focused on what God is saying to me. I want to make sure I’m agreeing with Him.
Most people I’ve worked with have the same question you have when the gift starts. It’s not unusual.
You want to be balanced – no sense carrying on like the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel – God’s not into show. But trust what Jude says…that we build ourselves up as we pray in the Spirit. You’ll get spiritually stronger and over time, I suspect, you’ll have more vocabulary.
I remember someone tell me for one year they only had one year. They were praying it in a meeting one day and a Biblical scholar was there and heard the word and told them it was the Hebrew word for “Power”. It encouraged him to keep praying that one word.
Awseome Vanessa. Keep building yourself up. It’s not about anything but Jesus.
Thank you for sharing about the one word. I received one word. I looked it up, it means “safe” … Though I have prayed it numerous times and seek to know Him more through praying in tongues, that’s all I’ve got. I thought I was weird or incompetent.
Correction on meaning. It means: Heal, preserve, save, do well, be (make) whole.
Thanks again and keep sharing. Be blessed.
Thank you Faye
Please help me and pray for me I want to pray in tongues I am very very eager please help I love Jesus so much.
Praying for you. Keep seeking God and building up the other gifts He’s already given you.
Hi, I think I’m praying in tongues but I’ve never any idea what it is that I’m saying. Is it biblical/Godly etc to ask somebody if they can ‘translate’ for your? Would it right to ask the person who is gifted at interpreting prophetic words said in tongues in a church service to try to help me in this way?
Since what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 12 – 14 was written to church that was in seeming chaos when they met together, I think it’s important to wait for a translation of a message of tongues when it’s done in a public setting.
Since Jude tells us to build ourselves up by praying in the Holy Spirit, when I pray privately I make sure to pray with my spirit and with the understanding. I pray in tongues when my understanding isn’t enough.
I’ve been in many meetings where a message in tongues was given in a language someone understood – usually it’s the native language of the listener – much like what happened on the day of Pentecost in the book of Acts on the birthday of the church.
I’ve had people ask me to translate for them and it’s really an uncomfortable place to be. I’ve learned to listen to God and speak words of life, but I can’t say I’ve ever interpreted a message of tongues. Maybe I have. I did what I did in faith to please God. I’m more confident that the Spirit will prompt people to translate in a public setting understanding it may be my job to teach them how to use the gifts God’s given to build up others.
Hope that helps.
I think paul was talking about a sermon or sharing of word. A prayer is a conversation with God is not suppose to explained to any one
I guess I need to read all the comments to see what people’s questions are coming from…Thanks!
Yes I would love to speak in tongues, and I have prayed and will continue to pray until something happens! Other than prayer, I am not aware of any thing else to do.
It’s faith that pleases God. Often people feel like the Spirit will take control of them and make them speak in tongues. That sounds to me more like possession than empowerment. Sure, I know we’ve all heard stories and I’ve even had times when all I could do was speak in tongues…but those seem to be exceptions instead of patterns.
The spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet. The same is true with tongues. In faith, step out and form the words, it’s often after that the Spirit takes over.
Praying for you.
Thank you so much for this post Trevor. I am one who has wrestled with this subject, believing in my spirit that the gift/s still apply to us today, but have been taught the gifts no longer exist. I have earnestly desired this gift, believing it as well to be the launchpad for other gifts. It has not come as easily to me as I’ve heard it has for others, and at times have decided it just was not meant for me. Thank you for helping clear up some of those small beginnings. You encourage me to continue.
Thank you Shari. Keep pressing in.
I’ve put you in the whitelist so you’re comments will automatically get posted from now on.
Let’s keep in touch. Keeping you in prayer. Blessings.
Thank you Trevor. I appreciate your passion to build up the Body of Christ.
Thanks Shari. BTW I’ve whitelisted you so your comments will automatically be posted. Thanks so much for the encouragement.
ECHOgram for Tuesday, December 06, 2011Prayer for Leadership of the United Pentecostal Church International, Churches, and MinistriesPrayer for the United Pentecostal Church International on an organizational level is imiprateve, and prayer overall for leadership, churches, and ministries is crucial! Faithful, focused intercession helps to support the commissioned work of God.It is so vital that we support the ministry through intercessory prayer. We must pray specifically for our churches (including both leaders and laity) and all works. God has a glorious Church fully-equipped to face the challenges of this end time and fully-empowered for great victory! And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: Ephesians 4:11-13Pray for U.P.C.I. Headquarters, Global Missions, North American Missions, all Divisions, Districts, Local Churches, Ministries, and Apostolic Works. (I Thessalonians 5:25)Pray that God would grant to all churches and ministries the necessary provisions and finances for His work. (Philippians 4:19)Pray that our church leaders would be empowered by the Holy Ghost with supernatural anointing, power, strength, and ability, and the gifts of the Spirit. (I Corinthians 2:4)Pray that each minister receives specific direction and that they always be attune to God’s Spirit and obedient to His voice and His Word. (Proverbs 3:4)Pray for a spirit of unity, humility, and cooperation among all works. Pray that the ministerial body pursues righteousness, faith, love, and peace. (I Thessalonians 5:23)Pray for God to impart His divine knowledge, understanding, wisdom, counsel, direction, anointing, keen discernment, and ability to each minister. (Isaiah 11:2-3)Pray the armor of God on and a covering of divine protection over the five-fold ministry. Pray against negative pressures/distractions contrary to His will.(Ephesians 6:12-19)Pray for a supernatural outpouring, and that God anoint and use the five-fold ministry to take the Church to greater revival and growth worldwide. (II Corinthians 1:20-21)Pray for the manifestation of miracles, signs, and wonders in all works. (Mark 6:20)Pray God’s Kingdom come and will be done in earth as it is in Heaven. (Matthew 6:10)Flo ShawInternational CoordinatorWorld Network of Prayer
I’m praying.
How can praying in tongues become unfruitful? The only way I know is to be in unbelief while praying in tongues? Is this what you mean? Thanks Tim
In my experience if I pray in tongues without praying with understanding it can become more like a ritual. I need to do it in faith knowing I’m building myself up and praying in agreement with God. “Unfruitful” may be too strong of word but I wanted to get the sentiment across. Thanks so much for asking.
My grandmother had the gift of speaking in tongues and I was always fascinated. Several years ago, at a Methodist prayer meeting (didn’t I see a comment about a Methodist prayer meeting – what is it about Methodist prayer meetings?) we were asked if we wanted the gift. I replied, “YES!” And now, I have this strong connection to the Holy Spirit through the gift. You are right, it was the beginning of an intimate, strong relationship with the Holy Spirit. So many times I have no words, but the words that God gives me are powerful.
Good post. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing Blanca. I’ve whitelisted you so your comments are unmoderated ’cause I think you have a lot to add to the conversation on
Great blog by the way.
Great post. I was introduced to tongues through a Methodist prayer group. The best explanation I ever heard about learning to pray in tongues came at a healing service led by the “Happy Hunters:” — You provide the syllables and expect God to make a language out of them.
By the way, praying IN the Spirit is not necessarily praying in tongues. When Paul specifically combines the concepts of prayer and tongues (1 Cor 14:15), he uses the expression praying WITH his spirit. And notice he’s writing about praying with HIS spirit, not the Holy Spirit. We need to be careful of our prepositions! Surely praying in the Spirit comprises any prayer (in a known or unknown tongue or with groanings no words can express) where a mortal person is in unity with the Holy Spirit.
But you have done a great job of picking through what has unfortunately become a minefield.
I totally agree with you – praying IN the Spirit is praying WITH the Spirit. I know I can pray in tongues and it become unfruitful. I need to keep in step with Spirit in all things.
Hi David,
I don’t understand you when you say your prayer in tongues is unfruitful what do you mean?
It comes more from my experience than it does from the Word. I’ve found I can be religious even though I don’t like the label (apart from taking care of the widows and orphans and keeping ourselves from being polluted from the world).
What I mean is that I can pray in tongues like the way I said my prayers as a kid – by rote. There was usually no passion or agreement in my spirit with what the Spirit was saying.
Worse, speaking in tongues can give us a sense of “spiritual specialness” and an attitude that shows we think non-tongue speakers are at best second-class Christians.
On the other hand, when I pray in tongues when I run out of words to say, knowing the Spirit Himself prays through me, I don’t have know what I’m praying to know I’m agreeing with God’s will and since I know when I pray with His will, I know what I pray I’ll receive, I can’t pray simple rote prayers.
Do I think rote prayers don’t do any good? I can’t say, but I do know I get more enjoyment about praying prayers that are according to God’s will.
Is there intrinsic value in praying in tongues robotically? I can’t say. I’m just glad it’s my choice to do it or not.
Hope that helps.
I like your humble, non-polarizing approach to this issue.
Thanks Neil. I know it still offends a few people on every side of the discussion.