How to GROW Faith – This message looks into inspiring stories of individuals who overcame challenges by relying on their spiritual beliefs. Learn how faith can empower you to break through limits and achieve what seems unattainable. Explore the transformative power of belief and action. Perfect for anyone seeking inspiration or a deeper understanding of spiritual growth.
Trevor H. Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at and the Creative Storyteller at Check out for past videos and live casts and to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen.

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Hebrews 11 (NLT) Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation. By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God’s command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen. It was by faith that Abel brought a more acceptable offering to God than Cain did. Abel’s offering gave evidence that he was a righteous man, and God showed his approval of his gifts. Although Abel is long dead, he still speaks to us by his example of faith. It was by faith that Enoch was taken up to heaven without dying—“he disappeared, because God took him.” For before he was taken up, he was known as a person who pleased God. And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. It was by faith that Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood. He obeyed God, who warned him about things that had never happened before. By his faith Noah condemned the rest of the world, and he received the righteousness that comes by faith. It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. And even when he reached the land God promised him, he lived there by faith—for he was like a foreigner, living in tents. And so did Isaac and Jacob, who inherited the same promise. Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God. It was by faith that even Sarah was able to have a child, though she was barren and was too old. She believed that God would keep his promise. And so a whole nation came from this one man who was as good as dead—a nation with so many people that, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore, there is no way to count them. All these people died still believing what God had promised them. They did not receive what was promised, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed it. They agreed that they were foreigners and nomads here on earth. Obviously people who say such things are looking forward to a country they can call their own. If they had longed for the country they came from, they could have gone back. But they were looking for a better place, a heavenly homeland. That is why God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them. It was by faith that Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice when God was testing him. Abraham, who had received God’s promises, was ready to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, even though God had told him, “Isaac is the son through whom your descendants will be counted.” Abraham reasoned that if Isaac died, God was able to bring him back to life again. And in a sense, Abraham did receive his son back from the dead. It was by faith that Isaac promised blessings for the future to his sons, Jacob and Esau. It was by faith that Jacob, when he was old and dying, blessed each of Joseph’s sons and bowed in worship as he leaned on his staff. It was by faith that Joseph, when he was about to die, said confidently that the people of Israel would leave Egypt. He even commanded them to take his bones with them when they left. It was by faith that Moses’ parents hid him for three months when he was born. They saw that God had given them an unusual child, and they were not afraid to disobey the king’s command. It was by faith that Moses, when he grew up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to share the oppression of God’s people instead of enjoying the fleeting pleasures of sin. He thought it was better to suffer for the sake of Christ than to own the treasures of Egypt, for he was looking ahead to his great reward. It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger. He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible. It was by faith that Moses commanded the people of Israel to keep the Passover and to sprinkle blood on the doorposts so that the angel of death would not kill their firstborn sons. It was by faith that the people of Israel went right through the Red Sea as though they were on dry ground. But when the Egyptians tried to follow, they were all drowned. It was by faith that the people of Israel marched around Jericho for seven days, and the walls came crashing down. It was by faith that Rahab the prostitute was not destroyed with the people in her city who refused to obey God. For she had given a friendly welcome to the spies. How much more do I need to say? It would take too long to recount the stories of the faith of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and all the prophets. By faith these people overthrew kingdoms, ruled with justice, and received what God had promised them. They shut the mouths of lions, quenched the flames of fire, and escaped death by the edge of the sword. Their weakness was turned to strength. They became strong in battle and put whole armies to flight. Women received their loved ones back again from death. But others were tortured, refusing to turn from God in order to be set free. They placed their hope in a better life after the resurrection. Some were jeered at, and their backs were cut open with whips. Others were chained in prisons. Some died by stoning, some were sawed in half, and others were killed with the sword. Some went about wearing skins of sheep and goats, destitute and oppressed and mistreated. They were too good for this world, wandering over deserts and mountains, hiding in caves and holes in the ground. All these people earned a good reputation because of their faith, yet none of them received all that God had promised. For God had something better in mind for us, so that they would not reach perfection without us.
Can I pray?
Faith is so important
Faith is so important to us—it is foundational to who we are and what we do because it’s based on who God is and what He does.
Because it’s so foundational we assume everyone knows what we mean when we say it. Assumptions brings death. Knowledge can bring overwhelm—but it does set the table for revelation.
Revelation brings life.
Today I’m going to risk the overwhelm
The Problem
We can talk about faith in so many different ways. We can think we know faith, but unless we do something with the faith we have, we fool ourselves into thinking we know faith. We can put faith in a box and either put it in a closet and avoid it or put it on the mantle and never do anything with it. We can’t talk ourselves into faith, but we can even talk ourselves out of faith.
Does it really matter?
Peter tells us
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 1:5-8 (NIVUK)
Faith is foundational in keeping you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
To not be ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of Jesus it all starts with faith. Faith is foundational—it’s not one and done and it matters who and what you have faith in.
Faith that matters
You have faith that there is a God. Great, you have the same level of faith as demons.
James 2:19 You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror.
We just read:
And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. Hebrews 11:6
We need to believe God exists AND that He rewards those who sincerely seek him. —In other words we need to believe God is Good and in a good mood.
That is the foundational faith
Faith is a foundation that needs to be kept strong. Faith is a fruit that naturally grows. Faith is a gift we need to eagerly seek.
And faith is incredibly important for healing
When it comes to faith in healing that faith is needed for healing – but faith can come from the person being prayed for(Matthew 9:22, Mark 10:52) or needing healing (Acts 5:15-16) , or the person praying (Acts 3:16), or the parent of the one needing healing (Mathew 8:13) , or the friends of the one needing healing (Acts 14:9-10). Faith can come from the spoken word (Acts 14:9-10) and sometimes faith can even speed up God’s timing (Matthew 15:22-28). So it’s good to be persistent and always pray and never give up. (Luke 18:1-8).
So How should I talk about Faith today?
Faith is one of those words that is so all-encompassing. Here’s
Almost Everything you need to know about Faith
- Faith pleases God – Hebrews 11:6
- Faith is confidence – Hebrews 11:1
- Faith as small as a mustard seed is all we need – Matthew 17:14-20
- Faith is belief – Romans 10:9-10
- Faith is belief in the nature of God – John 14:1
- The righteousness of God is revealed from faith and for faith. Romans 1:17
- Faith is belief in the promises of God – Romans 4:20-21
- Faith is lived belief – Matthew 7:21
- Faith is a fight – 2 Corinthians 11:23-28
- Faith without works is dead – James 2:17
- He empowers us to accomplish every good work prompted by faith 2 Thessalonians 1:11
- Faith is how we overcome the world – 1 John 5:4
- Faith lived out over time is faithfulness – Matthew 25:21
- Faith that is faithfulness needs to joined with love – 1 Corinthians 13:2
- Faith and love is armour for us to be clearheaded – 1 Thessalonians 5:8
- Faith expressing itself in love is the the only thing that matters – Galatians 5:6
- We are saved by grace through faith, but not our own. – Ephesians 2:8-9
- We are to live by faith. – Habakkuk 2:4
- Faith also explains what we believe – Ephesians 4:13 (+21 times)
- Faith that explains what we believe needs to be contended for – Jude 1:3
- Faith will be tested, and that’s a good thing – James 1:2-3
- People can become obedient to the faith. Acts 6:7
- People can remain true to the faith. Acts 14:22
- While faith is personal, it can be passed from one generation to another. 2 Timothy 1:5 or one person to another 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1
- Churches can be strengthened in the faith. Acts 16:5
- People can be weak in the faith – Romans 14:1
- People can fall away from the faith – 1 Timothy 4:1
- So we need to be on our guard and stand firm in our faith – 1 Corinthians 16:13
- Faith is a fruit that grows. Galatians 5:22-23
- Faith is a gift we need to seek. 1 Corinthians 12:9
- Faith is a gift that activates and expands the others gifts. Romans 12:6
- Faith seems necessary for healing See the Gospels and Acts
Faith is my natural response
But faith is not something we can work up in ourselves. It’s not something we work to convince ourselves of. The best definition for faith that I’ve found is
“Faith is my natural response to His revelation”.
How do I put all that into one message?
I left you notes so you can research all of that yourself. You can find my notes on the website a little later today if you’re watching online.
But as I was wondering about how to talk about faith being a key to the Kingdom, I thought about Silly Putty.
Silly Putty has several distinct features that make it unique and fun.
Silly Putty is a lot like faith
Warning – don’t push an illustration too far. It’s a metaphor—to help you remember—and metaphors can be pushed too far.
Silly Putty is a Substance – Silly putty is somethings tangible, so is faith
Faith is a Substance: Faith provides tangible confidence in what we hope for.
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)
Silly Putty has Elasticity: Just as Silly Putty stretches without breaking, faith allows individuals to endure challenges.
Faith is a Journey: It develops over time through experiences and trials.
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7)
Silly Putty Bounces Back: Silly Putty bounces when dropped, symbolizing resilience in faith.
Faith is Perseverance: It involves enduring hardships while maintaining trust in God.
“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles.”(Isaiah 40:31)
Silly putty is Moldable: Silly Putty can be shaped into different forms, similar to how faith shapes character.
Faith is Obedience: True faith results in action and following God’s commands. Bold faith stands on the shoulders of quiet trust.
“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” (James 1:22)
Silly Putty is Safe for Children: Silly Putty is non-toxic and safe for kids, paralleling how faith nurtures spiritual growth.
Faith is safe for Children and a Shield: It protects against fear and doubt.
“Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.” (Ephesians 6:16)
Silly Putty has Variety: The many colours of Silly Putty can represent the diversity in faith expressions. (I found an add for glow in the dark)
Our faith journey is personal to us.
You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. It is written: ‘“As surely as I live,” says the Lord, “Every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.”’ So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. (Romans 14:10-12)
For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:26-28)
Silly Putty can together become more. Silly putty can combine and make more. the same way our faith can combine and be more.
My story about getting Silly Putty.
Faith combined with others become more.
And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. Hebrews 10:25
Our future daughter in law seeing it snow for the first time = we need newly planted and people of peace and the trustable with wisdom together.
Silly Putty can Transfer: Silly Putty can pick up impressions, much like how faith reflects God’s image.
Faith is transferable
I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you. 2 Timothy 1:5
So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Don’t give offense to Jews or Gentiles or the church of God. I, too, try to please everyone in everything I do. I don’t just do what is best for me; I do what is best for others so that many may be saved. And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ. 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1
Do you have someone to look to for their faith? Do you have someone who looks to you for your faith?
Silly Putty has a Slow Flow: Like Silly Putty's slow flow, faith grows gradually over time.
Faith is a Fruit :grows gradually and naturally over time.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.” (Galatians 5:22)
Silly Putty needs to be acted upon to work: Like Silly Putty’s need for action
Faith is a gift: that needs to be sought.
Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:7-9 (NIVUK)
Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. 1 Corinthians 12:31 (NIVUK)
So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless. James 2:17 (NLT)
Silly Putty has been tested/will be tested. Temperature Sensitivity:
Faith will be tested.
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:2-4 NLT
When I first thought of this illustration I wondered if I should put some of it in the freezer and use an open flame to show you what happens. But I have used open flame for a sermon illustration and that’s probably not a safe thing.
Every kid who picks up Silly Putty will test it to its limits. I remember freezing it and it coming back…I’m not sure what open flame would do. AI told me it would become more liquid and potentially catch on fire. I don’t know how to connect that to faith.
Silly Putty Warning I bought some Silly Putty from Amazon to use as an illustration and it was hard, and difficult to take out of the case. I could mould it slightly, but when I tried to stretch it, it crumbled. It was perfectly useless to use for this illustration, so I sent it back.
But when I thought about it, it was like when we have faith in anything else but God. We can persevere in anything we believe in. We can slightly change our perspective to make it fit. But as soon as it stretches it crumbles. Be careful you don’t put your faith in anything but God and His goodness.
- People can be weak in the faith – Romans 14:1
- People can fall away from the faith – 1 Timothy 4:1
- So we need to be on our guard and stand firm in our faith – 1 Corinthians 16:13
Don’t be content with bad Silly Putty.
Don’t be content with faith that not growing, isn’t a foundation, can’t be stretched or doesn’t bounce, isn’t obedient to God, can’t be transferred, you’re not seeking more of, or or you think you have enough on your own.
Now Silly Putty is not the equivalent to faith, it’s only a metaphor. Knowledge puffs up. It can’t be about information it has to about transformation.
How do I practically grow in faith?
Faith is a foundation that needs to be kept strong. Faith is a fruit that naturally grows. Faith is a gift we need to eagerly seek.
How do I seek faith? How do I make conditions conducive to grow my faith? How do I make my foundation secure?
Those are great questions, I’m so glad you asked.
How to GROW in Your Faith Tool
G – Get rid of striving Philippians 4:6-7
R – Recognize where your trust is placed Romans 15:13
O – Open up space to hear from Him James 2:17-18
W – Weld good works to your faith Romans 10:17
G – Get rid of striving
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7.
Peace is quiet joy. Joy is peace out loud.
Great faith doesn’t come from great striving. It only comes from great surrender.
We yield our way into faith. We don’t work our way into faith.
He’s not asking us to adopt His principles. He’s revealing Himself as Lord. One of the biggest obstacles to a life of growing faith is busy-ness.
If you want to GROW in your faith you need to get rid of striving. His grace is sufficient for you. He has given you everything you need for life and godliness. He will finish the good work He’s started in you. Your good Father takes care of birds and flowers, He will take care of you.
We need to eagerly desire the gift of faith, but that’s not the same as striving. Seeking and striving are not synonymous. Seeking brings life. Striving produces stifling.
Prayerlessness invites temptation. (Mathew 26:41) Often the temptation is to be busy. When we’re busy we invite prayerlessness. We don’t cast our cares on Him because He cares for us. We don’t exchange our problems for His peace through prayer
Is busy-ness stifling my faith?
R – Recognize where your trust is placed
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
Hope becomes the birthplace of faith. Hope is the joyful anticipation of good.
Our faith is in who He is and what He does. We believe that He is and that he rewards all those who seek Him. He is good and in a good mood.
How can people of faith trust their problems more than their God? We all can at times.
Faith Hope and Love are the foundation of the Christian walk. You need faith. You need hope. You need love. These will always remain and always be true.
Rhythm of Remembering – Remember Testimony regularly. Make it part of your regular rhythms.
Remember the blessings he’s entrusted to you.
Remember the times he’s brought you through.
Remember the miracles you’ve seen in yourself and others.
Remember those moments you became so aware HE IS GOD.
Remember the good emotions and you can be right there again.
Am I growing in joy and peace?
O – Open up space to hear from Him
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17 (NKJV)
Word is Rhema in Greek- It’s the spoken word of God. It’s the spoken word of God that we hear that brings faith.
The written word of God can bring the spoken word of God, but you can study the scriptures about Christ and never see Jesus in them. Holy Spirit needs to illume truth to you.
Since He is always with us, it’s up to us to be with him
Since Faith is my natural response to His revelation I need to make sure I make space to hear His Revelation.
Read Psalm 46 –
Gratitude is the gateway for us to be aware of His presence. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. see
Do I make space to be still and know He is God?
W – Weld good works to your faith
So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless. Now someone may argue, “Some people have faith; others have good deeds.” But I say, “How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.” James 2:17-18
Jesus said “ In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 NIVUK
Obedience to God shows faith in God.
Bold faith stands on the shoulders of quiet trust.
Trust God with your questions.
You can’t develop trust without questions. There’s no need for trust when there’s no questions. They are essential for developing trust.
Questions raised in the attitude of trust lead to revelation, questions raised in the attitude of mistrust lead to unbelief.
Does what I do show He is Lord?
G – Get rid of striving
Philippians 4:6-7
Is busy-ness stifling my faith?
R – Recognize where your trust is placed
Romans 15:13
Am I growing in joy and peace?
O – Open up space to hear from Him
James 2:17-18
Do I make space to be still and know He is God?
W – Weld good works to your faith
Romans 10:17
Does what I do show He is Lord?
What does God want you to grow in?
An area touch on today? Maybe it’s a lie you’re believing replaced? Maybe you need to make space for him in the day to day of everyday? Spend some time listening to Him.
Can I pray?

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