Today's Negativity Fast Reflection. Learn the liberating journey of real freedom in 'I Am Set Free' – an inspiring reflection.
Trevor Lund has helped over 10,000 people fast from negativity since 2006. find out how to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Check out all the tips and tools to fast from negativity Join the negativity fast at

In the west we have a lot of talk about freedom, but when you meet someone living with real freedom, you know all you’ve done is only talk about freedom. We have not been called to be a homogenous blob of sticky statements poised against a group that has learned to shout louder.
We’ve been set free and have been called to freedom and we’ve been called to freedom to serve one another in love.
What would it look like if the church in North America learned to use their freedom—not to demand their rights—but to serve one another in love?
I imagine the world would be a better place. We’ve be less offended and less offendable. People may start to know we are christians by our love. Maybe we’d learn to Live LIGHT.
I can only control what Holy Spirit empowers me to control and right now that is my own actions. I can learn to walk in freedom and use my freedom to serve others in love.
May this Negativity Fast Reflection – I am set free encourage you today.
Listen to Negativity Fast Reflection – I Am Set Free
Watch the replay of Negativity Fast Reflection – I Am Set Free
Read the Reflection Negativity Fast Reflection – I Am Set Free
I am set free and called to freedom. I use my freedom to serve others in love. Since God is for me, who can be against me? Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for me, won’t he also give me everything else? Who can accuse? Who can condemn? He fights my battle. He is the mighty warrior. I walk in his victory.
Have I been walking in his victory lately?
Next Steps
Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course – Move from being easily regularly frustrated, usually feeling busy, often afraid or easily angered to having peace at all times and in every situation.
Live LIGHT Tips and Tools to fast from Negativity – Are you looking to make a difference in the attitudes and actions in your everyday world? Get these Tips and Tools to help you Fast from Negativity
Live LIGHT Negativity Fast – Move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity with 47 days of reflections and Devotional and Community.
Carpe Vitae!

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