Today's Negativity Fast Tip.Embrace positivity with 3 essential truths to effectively fast from negativity—transform your mindset today!
Trevor Lund has helped over 10,000 people fast from negativity since 2006. Check out all the tips and tools to fast from negativity Join the negativity fast at and find out how to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity

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You were created to walk with God in the garden of the cool of the day. As sin came into the world and you bore the consequences, Jesus came and took your place, reversed the curse, and offered you his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a living light. Don't conform, but be transformed so you can have peace and joy and hope at all times and in every situation.
But what if? What if you're surrounded by negativity? Or what if you can't control the thoughts in your head? or what if it seems that you're more and more on the boiling point of anger?
Since 2006, I've been helping people through daily emails, a course where you'll get that daily encouragement, but you're also going to get a daily email that is a reflection to help you line up with scripture. And so it's about moving from negativity to positivity. And we'll get to that in just a moment. Okay?
So I want to first get you three truths that you need to agree with. Let me see if I can do this. Three truths to agree that you can agree with. That will help you fast from negativity. Let me quickly go through this.
Okay, the first truth, negativity is any thought, word, or action that is not in agreement with the express will of God that's expressed in scripture, the will of God expressed in scripture. Negativity can be anything that disagrees with me, right? But no, we want to define it, anything that disagrees with God. And that's important. That is critically important.
The second truth that helps us to fast from negativity is I can't control other people's thoughts, words, and actions. I can only control my own with Holy Spirit's help. This is a supernatural work that we're going for here. Transformation is the work of Holy Spirit, and that's who we're going to partner through in this negativity fast.
The third truth is that bringing my thoughts and my words and my actions into more of an agreement with the will of God expressed in scripture, with Holy Spirit's help, can help transform the atmosphere of my everyday world, no matter how negative it is.
So really, what I want to invite you to and what I'm going to be doing over the next 12 days, we're going to be unpacking Ephesians 4:12-32 and talk about two tips to get rid of self-condemnation. We're going to talk about three tips to change a negative environment and then we're going to talk about tips to rise above discouragement. Also, we're going to talk about four tips not to crush others with negative words.
Where am I at? Negative words. Four tips not to judge others. I got another three tips to stop living offended of God. I've got four other tips to forgive.
And then we're going to move on and talk about the questions that people have about negativity fast. We're going to do four questions on… Four tips to stop feeling busy. I'm going to give you four tips on how to confront. I'm going to give you four tips on how to stop the worry, and I'm going to give you seven tips on how to fight with HONOUR.
Live LIGHT Negativity Fast – Move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity with 47 days of reflections and Devotional and Community.
Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course – Move from being easily regularly frustrated, usually feeling busy, often afraid or easily angered to having peace at all times and in every situation.
Live LIGHT Tips and Tools to fast from Negativity – Are you looking to make a difference in the attitudes and actions in your everyday world? Get these Tips and Tools to help you Fast from Negativity
Carpe Vitae!

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