Gratitude will help bring peace to your life. Check out the ways I can help you grow in gratitude below. In this post I want to focus on affirmations in Gratitude Reflections.
When you affirm your gratitude, you can energize yourself and feel more courage to face the day. Life is filled with friction, but also great adventures. To start your day off right, say out loud all the things you are thankful for with these creative gratitude affirmations.
Affirming your gratefulness helps you recognize that you can have what you most want and need in order to reap the fulfilling life you want. Love, joy, and peace are yours. It's the life you'e been created for.
If you want to feel better about your life, practice affirmations. Affirmations are a quick and easy way to inject positivity into your day. In a few minutes of quiet time, you can set yourself up for a great day. Affirmations remind you of your blessings and abundance, which will push you towards your highest goals.
Gratitude Reflections and Peace
Once you’ve worked affirmations into your morning, you’ll notice that your inner world has more peace.
Peace comes when you trust God with your whole heart. Your heart is the seat of your decisions, the seat of your actions and the seat of your emotions. Reflections remind you of what you choose to believe. Speaking them over can align your actions. Peace is the emotion we feel when we know we're trusting God.

12 Highly Effective Reflections
1. I am grateful for all of my daily blessing. Every good and perfect gift comes from God.
2. I am thankful my needs are generously met by my good Father who knows what I need.
3. I am grateful for all the health, love, and goodness that my Father has entrusted to me.
4. I am continually in awe at how blessed my life is already! He has given me everything I need for life and godliness.
5. I am grateful for everything I have experienced in this lifetime. He is working all things together for good.
6. I am so grateful for everyone God has entrusted to me in my everyday world.
7. I am thankful for everything I have, and I show it by sincerely thanking my loved ones.
8. The God of all hope fills me with all peace and joy as I trust in Him.
9. My life has been bought with a price, I belong to God.
10. I love life. I see the beauty in everything I see.
11. I give thanks for God’s endless blessings.
12. I am grateful for the cloud of witnesses that have gone before.
By using the affirmations above, you can lead a less stressful and more fulfilling life. You can download Reflections for free at and find 70 Daily Reflections at
Spending some time with positive affirmations, while appreciating all that you have and all that’s heading your way is one of the easiest “stress relief drugs” you’ll ever take. Yet, affirmations come with no ill side effects and they’re free. Choose peace in your life by using the power of affirmations and gratitude.
When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to appreciate everything that’s going right in your life. Don’t let the negative overwhelm the positive. Remember that you have a lot to be thankful for and that you can always use gratitude reflections.
Help to have peace through Gratitude
How to make your life better with a gratitude challenge
Want an amazing Gratitude Journal? Let me send you mine
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5 things you can do to feel gratitude in troubling times
7 Reasons Gratitude Benefits You
Why Gratitude is so important to STOP the Worry
Links to help you Grow in Peace and Gratitude
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