So, if you’re a fan of you may be wondering what the group attached to it – Live LIGHT Friends is all about.
It’s a group to add greater community to the one inside Live LIGHT Academy. Until January 5, 2018 we’re holding a Lifetime Founders Launch for Live LIGHT Academy. While this launch is going on, Live LIGHT Friends will be an open group for everyone to join.

What is Live LIGHT Friends? It’s a Facebook community that helps you move from busyness to blessing, from frustration to fulfilment and from miracles done to you to miracles done through you.
How do we do this?
It starts with community. It’s an incredible community of awesome people who are making a difference in their everyday worlds.
This is a negativity-free zone. What that means is we don’t give negativity a place of influence around here. We honour all people.
We do things like
#AppreciationMonday – We post who we appreciate, what we appreciate about them and why we appreciate them for it. {First name} I so appreciate your {quality/trait}. I say that because {specific details and evidence}
#WinWednesday – We post what we’re learning and how we’re growing. This is a great time to let people know what you’re excited about. We don’t want to be spammed or hounded, but will be excited about things you’re really excited about.
#FridayBlessing – We post 3 things we feel thankful for that week. This is a game changer for you if you do it everyday. Ask me. I have a tool and a system for it.
The community comments and encourages each other. That’s how we get to know each other. That’s how we’re an incredible community of awesome people.
The second way we help you move from busyness to blessing, from frustration to fulfilment and from miracles done to you to miracles done through you. Is through training.
2. Training
Now a lot more training takes place inside Live LIGHT Academy, but even if you don’t sign up for that we have exclusive training for you.
Every Monday we have Live training for the group. Set the notifications so you know when we’re live. We’ll cover topics that you’re asking about and let you know about additional resources that may be available.
The third way we help you move from busyness to blessing, from frustration to fulfilment and from miracles done to you to miracles done through you. Is through answering your questions.
3. Q&A
Every Friday we have Live Q&A. If you can’t make it to the Live you can ask your question ahead of time.
So that’s about it. Be nice to each other and encourage each other and I’ll see you in the group.
Sign up for Live LIGHT Friends while it’s an open group. Learn more about the Live LIGHT Academy, be encouraged by others and encourage others yourself.
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