Do you know your identity? Do you feel your identity? Do you live out your identity? Here’s the line in the Live LIGHT Manifesto that gets us to focus on who we are in Christ:
I live LIGHT. I live out of my God-created identity.
You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14
See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know him.1 John 3:1

Jesus taught about identity
Jesus said he was the light of the world (John 8:12) but he also tells us in the sermon on the mount that we are the light of the world – like him.
You are the light – #liveLIGHT. The world needs you to shine bright. Shine brightly my friend. Be like the moon that shines the light of the sun to the part of the world that’s away from the sun.
How do we live out of our God-created identity?
How do we shine bright? We live out of our God-created identity.
Do you know what the Bible says about you once you agree Jesus is the Lord of your life?
It’s amazing knowledge that you really need to both feel and live out of.
You can personalize your Identity in Christ with a free tool I have here from the Personal Promise Bible Go check it out now >>>
Seeing your name next to those promises of Scripture helps you to feel the truth, but it’s up to you to live it out. Coaching can help

What the Bible says about our identity
We are called a servant of God (2 Timothy 2:24), a friend of God (John 15:15) and a child of God (Romans 8:14).
While it’s true we grow from a servant to a friend when we obey what he says; and as we learn to be led by the Spirit we are a child of God; it’s also true all three are important at all times.
All three realities of our identity are important
A servant obeys and we always need to obey our good, good Father. We never outgrow obeying God.
A friend communes and we always need to abide. It’s not an option for any of us.
A child trusts and we can never stop trusting God as we follow the Spirit.
So our identity includes being a servant, a friend and a child.
I trust you know it. My hope is you feel it. My desire is you live it out.
You can learn how to live this out in the day-to-day of your everyday with coaching. Find out if I can help

Podcasts, Live Cast and Training on knowing God
- How to Know God As Father
- Enjoying God as Father
- How to Know God as your Good, Good Father
- God is always with us, Will I be with Him?
- It’s God’s will to Heal
- How I Hear the Father Speak to me
- I Trust God as My Good Father
- How to be at peace with God in the day to day of everyday
- Can my Weary Soul Rejoice Again?
- How to understand and enjoy the Gifts God has for your Today
- May God Produce in you..
- How to Know and Experience More of our Triune God
- Do you live out of your God-Created Identity?
- How to Use God’s Gifts for One Another
- 10 Things God Can’t Do
- How to be a person after God’s Own Heart
- Should I be Hungry for God?
- How I hear the Father Speak
- Does God want Good For Me?
- How does God Discipline Us?
- Move Forward Following the Ancient Paths
- Seek the Lord when you don’t know what to do
- How to build up strongholds that are good and necessary
- Why everyone needs to know and practice the rhythm of remembering
- 16 Reasons You Can Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart
- How to grow stronger when life seems impossible
- Seek the Lord when No One is watching
- How to have Faith for the Long Haul
- Shattering the 7 Myths that Lead to Complacency
- Biblical Patience and why we need to have it
- How to be a trustable person
- 3 Thoughts to help you get through tough times
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