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How to fast and live to benefit from it
Every time I tell the story in post, I can't help but laugh a lot. If you want to see me sharing this message, I do have a video of it here …
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How to Integrate Biblical Teachings in our Everyday Married Lives
This guest post is by Rachael Pace of https://www.marriage.com Be sure to check out the site as it has a lot of great resources for marriage. God is the originator of marriage, therefore, it goes …
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Am I Under a Curse if I Don’t Tithe?
Here's a question that I know my answer will have some people will be accusing me of putting people under a curse. I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts and concerns. Question: I was raised to …
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Walk before you run
I was speaking on fasting this Sunday and came up with an image to help people start making fasting part of their rhythm of life. I thought it may be helpful to you as well. Fasting is important to …
Why Jesus Not Salvation Is the Greatest Gift to Us
Have you ever received a gift that you can term as a great one? A gift doesn't necessarily have to be expensive to be significant. After all, a gift value is not measured in monetary terms. The best …
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