We just had a an incredible weekend with the Holy Spirit... yes, I know He's already in us, around us and on us at all times...but there are moments and times when He's more palpable and …
20 Characteristics of Angels I See In Scripture
[kudanileads_on_click_intent optin_id=optin_14] Click to download 20 Characteristics of Angels [/kudanileads_on_click_intent] There is a lot of misinformation about angels in our culture today. Some …
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How Can We Seek the Lord?
We’ve 40 day fast over lent we should seek the Lord. But I still haven’t gotten around to discussing how we can. As I mentioned earlier, “I guess I always thought it meant “pray longer” maybe even …
Did Jesus Really Claim to Be God?
There’s an argument from people who casually read the Bible, looking for holes in the theology they see lived out in the lives of us who are even quick to admit we don’t have the corner on right …