Here’s another question from a reader I’ve tried to answer. It’s a good one we should all consider the pros and cons for.
A friend of mine brought up the subject of being filled with the spirit and she reckons that we are filled with the spirit when we are baptised in the spirit (I agree) and that we never need to be refilled again as the Holy Spirit lives in us after this and therefore we have all that we need from that moment on. (This is the bit I am not sure about). She has steadfastly refused now to sing lyrics which ask God to fill us. I am really not sure at all about this as I have always believed in the teaching that says ‘we leak’ and constantly need to be refilled! She says there is nothing in the Bible that says we ‘leak’. I pointed out to her, even Jesus said, He felt power go out from Him. Is that the same thing? Did He need to be refilled after that? Now she has mentioned this subject to me I feel uneasy about the whole thing.
I would be interested to know what do you think/believe and whether you have heard this teaching?
I know I shouldn’t be amazed at how God works, but once again I’m excited that He’s already got me started on answering this question. I’ll let you know about that in a bit.
First off, “leak” is a term I’m not really comfortable with since it’s not in Scripture. But that doesn’t mean I don’t use it and it doesn’t mean it’s not correct.
I think your friend is making a mistake that many people do…confusing being anointed with being filled.
Jesus is quoting Isaiah when He says:
The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed….
Luke 4:18 (New International Version)
We have the Spirit BECAUSE we’re anointed. John tells us that anointing remains:
As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him.
1 John 2:27 (New International Version)
Now the confusion comes in because Jesus taught us the Spirit, like the anointing, teaches us all things:
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26 (New International Version)
The anointing remains – in both the old and new covenant. In the Old covenant the Holy Spirit came on a specific person for a specific time or job. In the New Testament, He’s poured out on all flesh. Does that mean we always have all the Spirit we ever can?
We need to look at verses like Ephesians 5:18:
And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but ever be filled and stimulated with the [Holy] Spirit. Ephesians 5:18 (Amplified Bible)
The Amplified Version does a decent job with the imperative, present, passive verb for “filled”
- being imperative, God commands us to be filled;
- being present tense, it is to be repeated, it is an ongoing responsibility; and
- being passive, we are to yield to the influence of the Holy Spirit.
If it’s our repeated, ongoing responsibility to be continued to be filled, does that suggest we can “leak”?
I wrote (I’m just being lazy to cite myself) in “How Big Is Your But?”
One day not long ago I was up early to have my time to soak in the hot tub, exercise and spend time with God. It was such a good morning. I had been talking and praising and listening to God. I remembered a season when I constantly felt His power and it seemed like everyone I prayed for was healed. I was saddened a bit at the thought and asked God, “Daddy, why do we leak? Why couldn’t I always be that full.”
I felt His response “Because I want an ongoing relationship with you. I like when we’re together.”
If I ever think I have all I can of God…let’s just say He has a way of blowing away my understanding and experience of Him, as long as I continue to seek Him.
I understand this all can be sloppy language. Since Jesus only did what He saw the Father do (John 6:38) and only said what He heard the Father say (John12:49-50), how do we think He did that? Was it just “He was God” or did He leave us a pattern to follow in His steps? I think so. Notice how often He went away to pray:
And early in the morning, while it was still dark, He arose and went out and departed to a lonely place, and was praying there. ( Mark 1:35)
And immediately He made His disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side to Bethsaida, while He Himself was sending the multitude away. And after bidding them farewell, he departed to the mountain to pray. ( Mark 6:45-46)
And they came to a place called Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples, “Sit here until I have prayed.” And He took with Him Peter and James and John, and began to be very distressed and troubled. And He said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved to the point of death; remain here and keep watch.” And He went a little beyond them, and fell to the ground, and began praying. ( Mark 14:32-34)
And when day came, He departed to a lonely place; and the multitudes were searching for Him, and came to Him, and tried to keep Him from going away from them. ( Luke 4:42)
But He Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray. ( Luke 5:16)
And it was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God. ( Luke 6:12)
When we do this we get filled and refilled and refilled and refilled. I don’t even think we need to open to it or embrace it. Spending time with God “changes us.” Why? Because we become what we worship (2 Corinthians 3:18). Isn’t that a great description of “being filled”?
[Tweet “We become like what we worship see 2Cor 3:18 @revtrev”]Do we leak? I think I do. It doesn’t mean I have less of a standing with God – I’m His child and friend (and favorite) regardless of what I do or don’t do. But I can always do things to improve my relationship and experience with Him. Continually being filled is one of those things.
I like the concept of “leaking out all-over others” as it means what God gives me, He gives me to give others. A pond that has no way for the water to exit is stagnant. The best example for this in the world is the appropriately named Dead Sea.
[Tweet “A pond that has no way for the water to exit is stagnant – share what you’ve been given. @revtrev”]Finally, the songs I have trouble with are probably in the same genre as your friend. I can’t sing anything that has me begging my Daddy for something He’s promised to give me. Often these are the song that cry out to “fill us.”
Look at Ephesians 5:18 WE are commanded to be filled continually. Do we really think God is going to answer a prayer for Him to do something He’s already commanded us to do?
Poetic songwriters often do a disservice to theology. I’m glad at times that God’s more concerned with our heart and actions than the words we parrot because it has a nice melody.
What I’ve Taught on Holy Spirit
Check out my messages and blog posts on Holy Spirit. I’ll keep this updated. Let me know if there is a specific topic you want covered in the comments.
- Learn and Experience All You Can About Holy Spirit
- How to know and experience more of our triune God today
- Is Spiritual Growth is on your vision board?
- How to be confident you’re being led from Holy Spirit
- God is with us will I be with Him?
- How to understand and and enjoy the Gifts God has for you Today
- Buying the Holy Spirit
- How to Release the gift of words of wisdom
- 70 Functions of the Holy Spirit
- How can I Receive the Holy Spirit
- 3 ways to know it’s the Holy Spirit Speaking
- How to let the Fruit of Holy Spirit Transform you
- 5 things to know about Spiritual Growth
- 11 ways the Holy Spirit Speaks to you
- Do Spirit-Filled Believers Leak the Spirit?
- How to use God’s Gifts for Another
- I build myself up reflection
- 4 Tips I’ve learned To Hear the Spirit Speak
I love what the Bible says in Eph 5:18 in the Amplified version ‘..ever be filled’..I think of it as a point of initmacy with God..when we are close to Him, His presence is overwhelming, we get near to Him and He draws near to us. His presence, His glory begins to overshadow us and we experience a ‘filling’ of His divine presence. His divine presence is made known to us on earth through the Holy Spirit as so pointed out in 1 John 2.
I have not as yet arrived at the ‘I have all I ever need or require of the presence of God’ in my life. So my attitude is ok, I receive more! Let me always be open to more of Him.
I also appreciate the note regarding worship and worship songs. i think many times part of the problem is that certain songs better fit different people and what I mean by that is some songs work very well for very new believers and not so well with others. I do agree that many many times the words to songs do not work theologically speaking and those that seem especially off we just choose not to use.
Thank you for answering tough questions and opening these discussions..great work Rev Trev!
Thanks Pastor Gwen. I’ve put you in the whitelist so you can comment anytime. You have a lot to add to the discussion and I appreciate it.
I love this post. I was praying one day and the Lord showed me a picture of an aloe vira plant. I dont know if you are familiar with this plant but my grandmother used to grow these things and anytime you would get a cut, or a burn or a scrape she would cut into the plant and put the salve on the wound.
Immediatley after the Lord showed me this plant He gave me a picture of rainfall and brought my mind to my own aloe vira plant that I have in the kitchen. This plant is really my wifes and through my and her neglect the thing is withering. God then explained the anointing and the filling to me.
He said “Your calling, your anointing, is to be an aloe vira plant. (I am called into inner healing). Your branches will be used to heal others, that is your purpose. However, without the rainfall (filling of the spirit) your branches will wither, not carrying the needed salve to those who are hurting. How much you can help others depends on how filled you are with the Spirit.”
You are dead on with this post. You can be a dead, withered, fruitless aloe vira plant, but still be an aloe vira plant. The moments you allow God to fill you with His Spirit will determine your amount of impact.
Thank you and God bless.
Great analogy with Aloe Vira – my grandma taught me the value of it as well (I had a lot of sunburns as a kid). I had a few myself over the years and know how quickly they respond to water after have had none for a while. It speaks to me about my relationship with God as well.
Great blog by the way. Like what I’ve seen you doing at Hidden Bars.