Are you getting ready for Christmas?
Have you heard the 12 crazy-days of Christmas? The final verse goes like this.
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me
Twelve dozen cookies
Eleven shoppers fighting
Ten cars a-honking
Nine broken presents
Eight bags a-missing
Seven Christmas parties
Six crazy in-laws
Five extra pounds
Four credit cards
Three crying babies
Two missing parts
and a dried brown Christmas tree
We’ve all been there. Let’s plan to have an amazing Christmas, in spite of ourselves.
Here are 5 tips to not let the hustle bustle you out.
1. Make sure you’re doing all things as unto the Lord.
2. Don’t do things to impress others. Do things to love others.
3. Pause to enjoy the moments. Selah.
4. Replenish yourself often. Some of us need time alone. Others need time with others. Still others need time with ideas and that can include or not include people.
5. Eat lefsa. Lot’s of lefsa. Ok, that last one might just be for me. How about: Enjoy your holiday favourites. Make new memories this season.
There’s a new resource for you. It’s called The Real, Real, Real Real Meaning of Christmas.
You can read the post here:
Or download the ebook here:
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I know it’s early, but now is the time to plan.
Can I pray for you?
Holy Spirit help us all to keep in the presence of Immanuel – God with us – this season. May we enjoy our family and friends and connect and reconnect with new and old ones again. Thank you we can with you. Amen.
Since Last time –
What to Pray for
Sometimes we sincerely want to pray but we just find out that we don’t know exactly what to pray for. If that sounds like you then I have the solution here for you. Read more at >>>
Don’t Miss
I’ll be choosing the winner of “This Dangerous Book” this Friday. This is the last week to enter. Use the form on
Good Coffee The sale is still on…I think for this week only. Don’t miss it. Find out more
Have a great week. Let me know how I can pray for you. It’s crunch time for Live LIGHT Academy. I’d appreciate your prayers for me for that.
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