Have you had any discussion with people lately who are struggling with habitual sin? Maybe you’ve had a few who with people who have decided to no longer struggle with and just accept it’s who they are? You won’t be the only one.
Maybe you fall into one of those two categories? You’re not alone.
Would you like a resource to help stop the cycle of habitual sin?
In this life that you’re in, you don’t have to sin.
It’s starts by knowing this life that you’re in. If you haven’t done so already – go to https://revtrev.com/realme/ and print off your personalized identity in Christ. While you’re there print off your personalized book of Ephesians. These are two tools that – if you use read them regularly – can help you these ideas from a sentiment in your heart to an action in your life.
In this life that you’re in, you don’t have to sin.
The people you’ve had those discussions with can be helped by tools as well. Print off there names and give it to them. Tell them you’re willing to hold them accountable to anything the want to be held accountable to. Walk with them and share your life and experiences with them. As you’re active in sharing your faith like this, you’ll have a full understanding of everything we have in Christ.
I may have another resource to help you available a bit later this week.
Can you let me know if you’d like more information and a proven plan to overcome habitual sin that you could use of share?
I appreciate your thoughts on this.
Can I pray for you?
Holy Spirit you empower us to do right and live right. Empower all who call on you today. Thank you that you’ve transferred us from the dominion of darkness and into the Kingdom of light. Help us to live up to what we’ve already attained.
Since last time
Here’s been what’s happening on RevTrev.com since the last email
Light LIGHT Highlights Issue 1
I don’t intend to do this every week, but these things deserve some highlights . Read more at >>> https://revtrev.com/live-light/light-light-highlights-issue-1/
Keys To Discovering Purpose
The discovery of purpose is not an event. Unfortunately, you also can’t take a course on “Purpose”. Read more at >>> https://revtrev.com/live-happy/keys-discovering-purpose/
Buying the Holy Spirit
I want to be quick to clarify that I am not saying that you can buy the Holy Spirit or that you should try to, I read this passage in Acts 8:18-19 last night and wanted to discuss it a little today Read more at >>> https://revtrev.com/live-intentional/buying-holy-spirit/
I appreciate your prayer
I’ve re-did the free course to make it less confusing for people who are looking for the free training to be 10% happier this time next month.
I’m about to merge everything I’ve been working on into Live LIGHT Academy and get all the details worked out for the launch next month. There is so much to do and so much can go wrong and slow things down.
I’m learning to tell God “It’s your’s, help me figure things out.” And I always get a way to troubleshoot or redesign. I’d appreciate your prayers that’d I’d keep in step with what God wants me to do.
Oh yah…God gave me the motto for Live LIGHT Academy. It’s in latin. venite vivere usque Literally it means “come live up” It comes from Philippians 3:16 “Only let us live up to what we’ve already attained.”. What do you think of it in the logo?
PS Let’s continue the conversation. Share this with a friend or share your thoughts with me. I read every email or comment. Thank you.
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