The darker the night gets, the brighter the light gets. Learn how to show this natural occurrence in practicality of real life.
The lie that needs to be confronted with love.
There is a lie that needs to be confronted in love. It’s that I can’t help how I feel. With Holy Spirit’s help, you can change how you feel.
Can you really live unoffendable?
Is it right to live unoffendable anymore? Don’t we have to fight for our rights? Learn how you be more unoffendable today.
How honour helps you to change your situation
Honour helps you to change any situation that is interpersonal. Read why this is the case and why we need to choose to honour everyone.
Why peace is the feeling you can never be without.
Peace is the feeling we can never be without. Peace comes from trusting God. Do you let peace rule your heart?
Why finding Soul friends is the one thing you need to do to change your life forever
Finding Soul friends is the one thing you need to do to change your life forever. What are they and how do you find them?