Priority became “priorities” by marketing executives in 1960’s and did a disservice to our English language. In the next section of the Live LIGHT Manifesto we’ll look at why Jesus doesn’t give us an option to give into the hype.

I know priority can never be plural.
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33.
Did you know the pluralization of priority is a fairly new phenomenon?
I like to coin and promote new words… you may have already come across a few I use that you can’t yet find in the dictionary. For example:
Lighterati – all those who have been called to freedom and use that freedom to serve others in love
Unoffendable – to live unable to be offended
Interruptible – to live being able to be interrupted like Jesus was
I can’t find any of these in a dictionary. Yes, I trained my auto correct to take off the squiggly read lines whenever I write them. No, I don’t feel any remorse over doing that.
I like new words. I promote new words. I’m not afraid of new words.
I also rail against new words that take away the beauty of the original use of the word.
Case in point – PRIORITIES
Origins of priority
It comes from the Latin “a priori” meaning ONE. In English we never had more than one priority until marketing executives in the 1960s figured out they could sell us more stuff if we did.
Priority was always in the singular.
Why do I rail against this?
Regardless what marketing teaches us, Jesus doesn’t give us an option.
We can’t have more than one priority.
He’s told us what our priority is.

We’re to seek first the kingdom and righteousness.
That’s it.
It’s all about His Kingdom. He’s the king. We aren’t. We follow Him; he doesn’t follow us. We have one priority.
To seek His Kingdom doesn’t mean we all need to be in vocational ministry to be obedient. It means we put him first in everything we do. That’s our priority.
The Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirt (Romans 14:17)
So the questions for us are as follows:
- How do I see righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit in my home?
- How do I see righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit in my work?
- How do I see righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit in my relationship?
- How do I see righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit in my church?
Be a person of peace. I can help you on your journey.

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